nibbles.. where is the vid?
nibbles.. where is the vid?
AHCTUNG! This is the movie I'm excited to see in 2012.
I LOL'd watching the related video.
Agreed! I haven't had to watch an ad on here since I installed it 2 months ago.
Thanks for that. I wasn't 100% sure of what the DPRK fleet consisted of any longer, only that they it had previously consisted of Russian and Chinese MIGs and SUs. As far as China not selling them anything modern; It's a sad state of affairs for North Korea when you're considered to be so crazy that the other…
You have been hearted sir.. great clip and the first time ever I have enjoy'd a Rick Roll.
Laughing so hard I have a headache.. I'm going to hell I know it.
Since Jalopnik feels like re-posting this piece of poop I'm going to re-post an amended version of my original response to the author of this article here.
If this tech were to take off and become the defacto standard for haptic feedback in touch screen devices, I could see where this could be a very minor medical procedure to have small magnets placed subdermaly in the fingertips.
wubber ducky you're da won.... (sqeaky sqeak)
That is LEGEND!
I know not having In-N-Out in Oregon is criminal. But hey, we've got Burgerville and loads more microbrew than the rest of the country.
1. You are a troll