
Citation, clarification for how or what we're calling a "documented' case? Because in the course of that video there were at least 2 documented smoke rings which if we count the 2 previously documented rings, of which we'd have to guess there were only one ring recorded at each instance, for Mt. Etna and assuming

The 500KR 'vert was a big departure from the rest of the late '60 Mustangs but I do believe that on the surface the only changes from original on the car in the picture are, other than maybe that PMY paint, the wheels, and they aren't half bad. If I had it my way, she'd be in Bronze with the black stripes and blk

Heart click for saying exactly what needed to be said about this. For Jack to be insinuating that this was the result of poor planning and bad engineering is like me saying that Gawker Media only hires illiterates and trolls. However we know that's not the case in either instance.

I've had a cast leg before, I've also been in the position of having broken both of my arms at the same time where I had to have over the elbow full casts. Believe me, I'd much rather have the broken leg. Nothing sucks worse than having to ask someone to help you eat because you can't get the fork to your moth or

1968 had sooo many awesome rides. If I had to pick ONLY one then I'd say the dream is the Miura. But that would be the Italian bitch who always looked hot and ready to go but was full of attitude. She'd be that hot sexy mistress who fed your secret desire for drama. That being said, I'd still go home at night to

To the Videographer: If you sir are not already a member of the Jalopnik community you should be. (hat tip)

I would think that they would want to do a worst case scenario test where the vehicle reaches its terminal velocity and strikes the water at different angles of insertion and orientations while at that speed.

I wanna BroHug you after that. Heart wrenching, well written. Just plain awesome. Well deserved COTD Guac. Bravo!

That is obviously Old Man Winter coming back to exert his iron fisted hold on Canada.


Agreed! The lights on the Rivera are awesome.

Noo because the cable itself is made out of Unicorn piss.

Yes.. it's flown by the navy and it's called the F-18 Hornet. I know you're kidding but anymore I'm beginning to believe that they should rename from Gawker Media to Slacker.. Poor if non-existent fact checking. Hack'ed together website that often breaks, and writers/editors with a god complex (not you Sam, I kinda

Here is a question that I didn't see answered in the article (didn't follow the links). Could this be used as a form of Carbon Sequestering? If so, then using this tech in hard hit disaster zones, 3rd worlds etc.. could be seen as a very useful technique for scrubbing some of the excess Co2 that we have in our

I'm a huge foodie and I've read about this before, seen it used in video and all I can say is.

I'll take your wench over his winch. :)

LOL their 'sekurity' got schooled pretty hard by those two guys. Exactly how many times did they get thrown into the tank by them, I sorta lost count.

Congratulations Desu. In honor of your award I present to you this Subaru WRX STI delivered to you by the nerdy wall flower girl who turned out HAWT!

Desu got my vote earlier or Half would have taken it.