@ launchpad:
@ launchpad:
What is that coming outta her but at :42 when she hits the ground? If I pull it does she talk?
I hope that one, or better yet all, of them gets to see this video and the resulting comments and that they suddenly realize that their all a waste of flesh. Stooopud stooopud stooopud.
Are the hackers wrong and bad for doing this YES.. Is Sony at fault for not doing more to protect your data. ABSOLUTELY YES. I do data security for a living and shame on them for not doing more before this happened to prevent a breach. They can cry Mea Culpa all day long and beg for forgiveness, but when a company,…
I'm exactly the other way about this. I read this morning about a HALO 4 tease and when the HALO Anniversary edition was announced I thought A) pretty.. B) Yawn. C) let down. When they finally ran the HALO 4 tease I felt genuinely excited and eager to finish the Master Chief's story. So color me with a big ass…
ScarJo does it for me every time.. gawd what a woman!
This is what happens when young dolphins can't find a porpoise in life. (rimshot)
Hey.. Milk it does and Atomic body good.
This car is magic.. it makes my pants shrink.
Gosh darn technological abominations.. i won't let none of them there new fangled devices or medicinals fix me.. nope.. not at a..... (GAH!!!) X_X
nope.. the cake is da bomb. :P
11 grand... are you freaking kidding me?! You could build something damn similar out of a kegirator, an Ikea Rolling cart, and small Webber/Coleman portable gas grill for about umm idk about 9000 less. I'm leaving a lot of wiggle room so you can go to your local metal fab shop and have them make pretty 440/stainless…
When insurance companies and banks and repo agencies are paying the police for this information there is a fiscal incentive for the police to keep this information available for mining and sale, that's how they'll pay for it.
It's black and pretty.
I understand and agree with this is in concept. The part of this article that didn't sit well with me, and it looks like (based on your opinion) you missed, is this.
Le sigh.. while I understand the purpose and the implementation, this just feels like one more seemingly inevitable step on my rights, and another towards an Orwellian society full of watchdogs, oversight, and fear. It makes you look at that 'SUBMIT' button and wonder what you're really submitting to.
STIHL: We cut more than trees.