
Wes I have faith in you that you're going to school that rusted bucket of old thinking detroit iron. Good luck, god speed and KICK ASS! #jalopnikvsgm

Somebody call the clowns. The french have finally made their car. #lazareth

@duurtlang: I'm sorry.. no amount of lipstick is going to get me to kiss that pig. #qotd

The Flagon with the G-Wagon holds the Duff that is true..

She might be pretty but she wears damn ugly shoes. #bugattiveyron

Nice.. Barrel Monster makes an appearance as well. #memes

Kneel before ZOD! #fail

I like the JEEP Overland. It's very reminiscent of the old Land Rover Dormobiles. Although I will say that I'm not a big fan of the tent setup. It's got the words FAIL and RECALL written all over it. #mopar

In that picture.. the GT-R has already wet itself at the though of being driven by Usain Bolt. #usainbolt


@TampaRon: RE: 'Its the little things." -