I know.. now they are only 5.
@PetroSapien: Hi, I'm Paul McArtney and I'm dating Super Model Heather Mills, but you can call her Peg.
I saw this announcement from Sl this morning before I left home.. IDK.. I hope that his brings a much neater approach to buying items on SL in general, yet at the same time I don't like how this removes the independence of the shopping experience. I liken it to the government buying up Walmart.
I say nice price.. easy cheap way to get a runner for LeMons that you can have fun with and not go crazy or broke while trying to slip something past the judges. Sure it might not survive the first 10 laps, but the stories.. OMG the Stories...
In that picture I count:
@DWBF1: it can be found around the gear shift knob. Which makes it worth $3.5 Mil
Is it any wonder that there is a Carpocalypse when what might very well become a huge game changer for the auto industry becomes and also-ran.
@Ash78: I see what you did there.. (nods) bravo.. bravo..
Sigh.. looking at that truck makes me miss my gramps. He had one just like that (same color, year) with a white bed cap.
Did anyone else get hint's of the Godzilla theme music in video?
Watching that video reminds me soo much of a cat playing with a mouse just before it kills it.
@bmoredlj: That's 35 Mpg in US gallons. Note the imperial number is alluded to below at 42mpg.
"The new parallel sequential turbocharger system..."
@vwminispeedster is contemplating an Absinthe powered Citroe...: And thus began the reign of 'Green Faerie Racing'
@JamesHunt_StillSmellsLikeChris...: Umm.. Karrbie???
@mr_hat: Yes, the indie grill does remind me of a pontiac also. Nice catch.
@Fast_Nel: Do WANT in any combination, car, girl or both. Both is preferred. yummay