
Around 2008 is where I peg the downfall. Not coincidentally the same season Bill Hader joined as a writer. That season had the stupid peruvian flute band episode and the one about High School Musical. But the next season is where it really became unwatchable with the painfully unfunny “Coon” episode and the stupid

Look at that! You just wrote an entire country song!

Come on, Mes. They’re saving themselves for the right cheating husband.

Instead, the secret point bonuses led people to feel gaslit about how difficult it was to achieve three stars on lighter characters.


This will probably come across as hardcore “whataboutism”, so with that out of the way:

Still waiting for Mando to be “good stuff” 

I do wish that we could start using the word nostalgic correctly again. I saw this in another thread where merely a “reference” was inherently nostalgic.

My god, what will kids have on in the background during sick days after The Price Is Right

Glad to hear this. I’ve been having a lot of impostor syndrome lately, and if someone like Goldsman can make massive money writing shit scripts, then maybe I can write my stupid internet shorts. 

Taylor Swift often writes songs with characters with names that could go be male or female, then writes about what clearly could stand-in for queer longing, then waits a little and is like “they’re straight”...that’s queerbaiting. Harry Styles plays to homoeroticism, but he is not actually interested in it, he is only

That second half of season 5 was also released with virtually no promotion whatsoever.

Joker may be the single worst movie I’ve ever seen.

Queerbaiting” AKA “I’ve decided you’re gay based solely on how you act and nothing else.”

In related news, I stepped over some dogshit earlier, rather than walking directly into it. So I can definitely understand Cate Blanchett’s impulse here!

I’m the first one to call out an episode, or a whole show for being painfully plodding (Mayfair Witches and The Watchful Eye are two shows that I’m rapidly growing impatient with), but, to me, this episode did not feel like it was ‘dawdling’.

Are you maybe confusing editorials with op-eds? The whole point of an op-ed is it isn't the editorial position.

I’ve been hearing that Picard season 3 is course correcting and to quote Captain Kirk, “Don’t believe them! Don’t trust them!”

Hot Take:  Killmonger was a bitch.