
Same here! That’s the best part about Jezebel, it informs! Now if only I wasn’t a grey. Lol

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The 77% stat is all women nationwide vs. all men nationwide. It’s hugely misleading considering it doesn’t control for major issues like hours worked, or job type.

Is that a crown Vic windshield I spy?

Well there you go, this is about as far from near new as you could get. Chassis has 220,000+ with 12,000ish on the swap. It’s a major work in progress. I’m removing years worth of collective shoddy maintainace seemingly every day. This is no trailer queen. Lol

Is that what they’re actually going for these days? I’ve got #rough one sitting in the driveway as we speak. *with* a caldina 3s-gte from ‘02.

When I lived in Illinois, there wasn't smog testing on cars older than 1996(pre obdii). Months after doing a JDM high horsepower 3s-gte swap on my 91' celica alltrac, I moved to Texas. Where they test and look out for that. I couldn't get the car registered without a vehicle inspection, and ended up paying somebody

It's the A-B-Cs, Always, Be, Trolling.

2 words, research engineers. It's crazy expensive to fund and build small run cars like this, nearly the same as the r&d for a small f1 team. I'm an aerospace engineer, believe me.

It's incomplete combustion, older jets have lower pressure ratios which lead to smoky exhausts. This was common on first generation engines of all types.

That's a really good point. I wonder how they plan on getting around that.

That ass is the reason it has a lower Cd than a Honda insight; .31 versus .33, respectively. It was designed like an airplane, form following function is quite beautiful sometimes yo.

It's a racecar meant to go 200 mph; in 1965. It's pretty safe without them. Usually this car will have a 4-5 point harness, so there isn't a need for an airbag.

yep. Just stainless steel ball bearings.

...and this must be read in Clarkson's voice.

The subject of religion tends to make assholes out of everyone.

Typo in #4. Oversteer and oversteer. (Not that you could ever have too much oversteer)

It's a pretty standard bump key, this one is just cut for internal pins. It doesn't 'pick' the lock in a conventional sense, it just 'bumps' the pins around hoping for a lucky combination. It could bump in the first second, or it could take 20 minutes.

The bugs bunny gif should just automatically attach to the bottom of every florida post. Its required under redneck law.

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