
Hey everyone, lets take a gander at the Io9 coverage of this very subject and read all the comments attacking those who suggested that racism might have played a part in the decision. Lets also take a look at those very commenters and their not-at-all-racist speculation about this accomplished astronaut getting pulled

Pretty damn well Barry. Only 6 arrests before, during and after the game in the entire city. One was that douche bro in the parking lot, 2 for disorderly conduct, and 3 for scalping fake tickets. So on the whole, 3 fucking arrests for generally being an asshole. Better than most cities, and better than usual for

That dude who ran into the pole is almost certainly dead, right?

+1 passive-aggressive smile

To be fair, Philly is normally full of trash.

I am a Philly fan living in Minneapolis, and I am going to steal this line from you (giving you zero credit, so that people will think I’m the clever one) and use it tomorrow at work when the drunken boorishness of Eagles fans is inevitably pointed out to me.

To be fair, Philly and Pittsburgh both went blue. It’s the Pennsatucky in the middle and outside of the major cities that screwed us.

I tip my cap to the poor Streets Dept. workers who cleaned up after that. I drove up Broad this morning and it looked surprisingly like it would on a normal Monday. 

Oh, I had my ticket punched long before I made this post.

Did you not see the “New England vs Everyone” sign at the game yesterday? Trust me, they’re getting worse. Besides, imagine how salty they get if the refs actually call a penalty on them in the Super Bowl.

Now let’s see the videos of Minnesota fans pretending to be nice to everybody, while insidiously mentioning the one thing their targets are secretly ashamed of.

So now I have to hold my nose and hope a fucking Pennsylvania team can take down the Death Star? Christ, we couldn’t even count on those guys to vote against pure evil. Now we need them to stare it down and defeat it? Fuck me.

Based on the first game, it was refreshing to see a pole give someone else a concussion.

I was discussing this with an Eagles fan this morning. As a Pats fan, I am kind of curious of, not if, how much of Philly will be burned down if they win the Super Bowl.

The Marine in this commercial does sort of look a little like a Christmas Nutcracker soldier who might know Santa.

Now playing

One of my friends who has passed away was a Marine - he always felt this commercial was the best recruiting tool.

That Marine also probably acts like a gentleman and treats her with respect, which I am sure is a big change from dealing with her husband.

Melania looks far happier standing next to this Marine that she ever did standing next to her husband. I guess unlike her husband, this guy has large hands.

Sequins on my face sounds like a Kylie song, too. lol.

Why does country music have to be the pop music retirement home? Seriously, this has only worked out well for Dan Seals and kind of Hootie. This is not a solid or viable career path.