I literally just learned today that Jimmie Allen is black because I had only heard his songs on the radio and went “boring neuva country, I’m good”
I literally just learned today that Jimmie Allen is black because I had only heard his songs on the radio and went “boring neuva country, I’m good”
I was always told growing up that adoption was always an option as a Roman Catholic -- it was only later in life I realized one of the reasons they were so cool with it (besides the general ‘this angry lesbian always talks about never wanting kids, maybe we can sucker her into adopting!’) was because of the idea that…
Same — but like those early 90s StArS of Hip HoP black shirts that you could buy under the aboveground subway track for under $20
this new Harley Quinn cartoon they have, have Ivy as the sort of Daria slacker/eco terrorist which is also My Type
twitter trolls are monsters, but don’t forget that many of them grew up listening/reading those same media vultures. When I go back and re-read things (even pre-cancer Ebert!), I get so angry realizing that these (men) were the ones who wrote things I read and internalized for years!
as a lesbian who was growing up when this movie came out- yes. Yes. I still fantasize not about “Poison Ivy” as much as “Uma as Poison Ivy.” And even if people don’t think they do, a lot of that style is still seen in this day and age because that shit looks good (tm).
Right? I’ve watched some episode of 30 Rock like 30x (the guy I live with has ADD and will rewatch them because he still techinically hasn’t seen the episode in its entirely, even though I definitely have) and I had to sit and think really hard about “yeah it makes sense they’d have Jenna in blackface.... but when the…
I’m here as the Eastern European historian to remind everyone the greatest ‘well shit, no, you know what? that makes sense!’ discovery for me was arguably one of the greatest Russian poets/writers (and it’s only arguably because there are so many of them & Russians love to argue), Alexander Pushkin was definitely…
I am, always, that white girl looking around trying to catch the rhythm. Also at 2:18, we are definitely watching some Mob shit happen on camera.
Thank u. It feels like I’m back on the Old Deadspin and I needed this today. Bless you.
I have never seen this video before and now I want it on my fucking tombstone. *chef kiss*
You know, and I know, but most people don’t know, which is part of the problem. You have no idea how often I was yelling Ted is an asshole during the duration of the show and getting looks of “what are you talking about?” from family & strangers alike.
Speaking of the unspoken gentrification aspect — my favorite tidbit about BKR is that (at the time) the current mayor of Passaic was supposed to be in it, he filmed a part, but it ended up on the cutting room floor — only for that mayor to end up in jail (the last three mayors of Passaic have all ended up doing some…
I hate how quickly I clicked on this. I don’t even care that it’ll be here in May.
I hate how quickly I clicked on this. I don’t even care that it’ll be here in May.
Man, I wish I was cool enough to have sock puppet accounts jer— I mean, yes, I agree....
I’m a feminist asshole who grew up with every male in her family in some form of the Boy Scouts over the course of their life (my mom, the only other female was always like why can’t I be apart of this??? so I am her daughter in that regard) and it would always amaze me at how quickly they’d go I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY…
she (and her brother, who is her producer/lyricist/everything in the duo) was home schooled. No matter where you are living (as the Vogue article wants to point out its a still un-gentrified part of east LA), home schooled kids are going to be home schooled kids~~ especially when asked things about different cultures…
you got to figure that it’s not from new music (obvs) but from new generations learning about No Way Out & Harlem World and getting the full albums + all the past due money.
I read American Gods, like, a zillion years ago and any time I meet a new person and they are like, oh you like books? I always recommend it (the diverse POC myths/histories/the Americana/the very exciting storyline threading through all the stories) and so of course my hesitation and excitement was super high for…