
my guy she’s from the Bronx/Washington Heights. English is her native language, it’s just not the language she grew up hearing the most at home/with her grandparents. Fight the assholes, but try not to fall into their gaps while doing so.

as the old Jewish saying goes, ‘put 3 jewish people in a room and ask them a question, you’ll get 5 different opinions’

I started clapping as soon as I saw that tag.

Cody Simpson (my first “wOW someone besides my family/friends is following me on twitter AND THEY ARE FAMOUS?!”) is the only one suprised.

Well, this definitely makes a lot of sense as to what’s been happening to my big toenails. I assumed it was the “ran toes over with electric wheelchairs” reasoning but the fact that I only do that once a month and my nails have been trash almost every day makes more sense.

Well, this definitely makes a lot of sense as to what’s been happening to my big toenails. I assumed it was the “ran

following the book (as only the first season seemed to be doing anyway), Sweeney was supposed to die in the 1st season B U T how they killed him still pissed me the fuck offff and that’s also when I stopped.

to be fair, I do that -- I take my pants off as soon as I get home from my commute and they do not get put on until I have to leave the next day.  Never, ever, ever on the bed that I sleep on.

he claims his wife was helping him put his clothes on, but really she was helping smash the scarab beetles.

What a time 2 b alive, even though this is obviously part of the Apocalypse

Supposedly they (the Braves) are getting the ASG in 2 years. And needless to say, even before this, I was wondering if they were going to do the same thing they did to the Cleveland team (‘get rid of wahoo or no $$$$’) but because it’s ~The Atlanta Braves~~~~ I highly doubted it.  Hopefully this dumb stupid thing will

Ho-le-y Shit. Hell yeah!

it’s LSD, not crack.  But, go listen to Cyndi talking and close your eyes and tell me you can’t hear it.  If the lizards can be quiet long enough for you to hear her voice over their singing.

as I’ve tried to explain to my gf (who doesn’t have friends who have/had children) — it’s different when you are a woman and you have kids and you have family members who don’t live next door who demand updates on what’s happening with them. Some of it is “people care!!!” going to their head, but most of it is that if

You know who hasn’t been friends with Aaron Rodgers unlike Ellen? Aaron Rodgers family.

far more excited for the chaos of the birds of prey/harley quinn movie even if I stand by *my* extremely outdated but forever relevant idea that the only live action Harley I will ever respect is Cyndi Lauper and I will go down fighting for that.

Same.  And surprising (in a general sense) since on the youtube stuff that I do sometimes catch (I don’t follow it every single episode) -- it’s usually Daniels’ and his ability ab-lib like a champ that gets a lot of the good/funny bits/interactions so I was completely taken away that ‘the guy who usually ends up

Sometimes it’s a weird spot, but for the most part it’s pretty good.  The shitty thing is that they replay any time after 1 AM (I got rid of Netflix (money issues on my end) but I still have a DVR & cable so I set it up to record but it’s still insane that it’s on at between 2 - 3:15 AM

That shit was also WAY cheaper (then and I assume? probably now) than the Official Yankees Want Your Money (tm) jerseys that MLB sells.

That is my father’s fucking voice mail message and I hate him and I hate this. Take your +1, George.