
Exciting news is that I assume the Cherry Hill, NJ’s Monster Mania one isn’t one of those conventions because she’s been booked to be part of the Craft cast at their March show. Link for those of us who are excited as fuuuuuuck.

+1 cannoli

The highlight of the NHL break for me was the fact that Panarin & Bob went to Miami (with their wives) and all the comments were split between “YEAH MIAMI” and “OHIO IS SO MUCH BETTER” (which you have to be so very delusional to think that on so many levels)

Legit. That poor, poor, poor kid. I hope there are (non-alcoholic) family members who can make sure she’ll be ok.


I was in an airport getting out of TN and the other travelers were going on with their day, but the staff and workers were stopping every now and then to look up and just fucking watch.

No.  Because if that is wrong, I don’t want to be right. =/

+1 bandaid

Memolition Dam, aside, what happens a lot in this day & age is that you can get torn pecs from working out wrong and working out too quickly — so it’s very much something that tends to happen to a lot of hockey players because they try to do weird shit during the summer/training to try and outdo the other knuckleheads

Toni Braxton’s family over on E?

Did you know that the WWE Network is only $9.99????????

My father is originally and I was born the year they won the World Series, so I’m a long-standing Tigers fan from Neuva Jersey. I’m planning on going to Cleveland in the summer and was excited to finally make the trip to mecca.... and of course the week I’ll be there, the Tigers won’t be home for like 3 weeks =/


: (   dammit gary

That’s actually not a bad take. 

She was 17 at the time of the tape but Sheffield told everyone she was 18 to save face with the “Christian” community.

I need some clarification as a Detroit Tigers fan. Did you mean Sheffield (her husband) or did you mean Kelly or Mosley the blackmailer??????  Because.  That’s two different “oh god that’s fucking

The poor girl’s twitter account is gone. What a thin-skinned fucking asshole (Bauer)

Sorry, bubba. It sucks (mine was Bobby Heenan, so, we are weird-cousins-in-grief somehow), but you’ll find that after awhile, especially since there’s so much content, that it’ll get easier and you’ll find yourself yelling LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, MEAN GENE and feeling ok.

I was still going back and forth about wanting to see this (when it comes on cable in a year) but John C Reilly was on Colbert ...... and spent the time talking about his other new movie/biopic of Laurel & Hardy and I said, well fuck that.  If he isn’t even talking about the movie they are doing 10,000 commercials

In Cher’s case/defense, that’s because Cher is our most ancient scribe and has gone back to talking in mostly emoji hieroglyphics. It takes a while to figure it out, but I fucking love reading whatever she posts because I truly feel like she is both at the the beginning and at the end of civilization.

But, to be fair, this is totally a story I would sell my soul (and possibly not have groceries for the month) in order to finally join the fucking Atlantic.