
Never change, Chuck. <3

You are a Mets fan. I doubt you’ve had that great of a life.

So did God

my poor large adult ginger son, I hope you are doing well, Drew.  Take all the time you need (I say now, but we’ll see as life gets increasingly shittier and I miss feeling less shitty for a half second)

Aww when did I go grey at Jezebel???  I was pretty sure I was out of the greys at one point =/

(Previously, we were most identifiable as Apu from the Simpsons).

WELL ACTUALLY, it would be Apu’s wife Manjula, who was very beautiful (I’m saying ‘was’ not only because I don’t watch new Simpsons, but also because the white woman (!!!) who did her voice died a few years ago) and also known mostly for being arranged

My whole thing, as a Colonizer, is that the tribe gave him the respectful burying of the body that he very much didn’t deserve.  Just fucking leave it alone, yall, as I would’ve burned his body for sure.

I think your hockey team will be ok and the reason I think this is because of the same reason that the Florida team that is not in Tampa continues to thrive -- it’s easy for assholes from the east coast (sup!) to get on a flight and make a trip out of it without truly breaking the bank.  I do hope that it turns out to

You made me look. He’s 2 months older than I am. Goddamn.

Also, since you are my favorite wrestling commentator -- what was your thoughts on the main event tonight????

I’m sorry for your and your father’s loss.

I watched the episode (ie why I’m replying to this after the article came out) and it was gut wrenching, espically when I realized Aunt Jackie (who was always the character I hated/loved because she reminded me of my family members) was reacting in the exact same way I’ve reac

worse, depending on your point of view.   Small business.  Ya know, with the WWE being a giant non union entity.

John Henry never historically had an opinion on yogurt. NOW HE WOULD!

As a Nashville Predators fan since the days of Vokoun in net, Kimmo as captain, and 5 games of Peter Forsberg.... I 100% agree with this assessment. The even more embarrassing thing is that Austin Watson who is currently suspended for domestic violence against the mother of his child (PS: WHEN YOU ARE SUSPENDED FOR

I had organized my magazines prior to Sandy, but it was the newspapers that did not survive. It was around that time that I realized just how much I really did hoard useless paper that no one would mourn when I died (my Sandy experience was not the best, if you couldn’t tell from where my brain went) and I got rid of

Cesaro with two front teeth AND hair!

let’s remember some guys! 

While I still bitch every season that “man why can’t WE get a Your Team Sucks....” edition, this might be the best thing I’ve ever read. Thank you. 🔪🔪🔪

Yes, that’s true - that’s it’s way more up her alley. And I’m a hipster Zelina fan because I’m from the NYC area so I’ve always paid attention to her and I tend to think of her more as a wrestler anyway, but yes, she is definitely an example of what Very Good Valet is (but then it also goes into the difference between