
I think he means no "App Market" access, which kind of kills this tablet.

Not good enough. Too little selection. I would rather pay more and get a XOOM/Galaxy Tab, or an iPad 2.

You're comparing two VERY different products. One is a 7.7 inch screen, designed to be used primarily in landscape, and is clunkier in portrait mode. The other is larger, and designed to be used mostly in portrait mode, however using landscape is also very fluid too.

I think the Atrix's carbon fibre look looks okay, just slightly cheaper. The thing is awesome though, laptop dock idea seems cool. I wish it was on telus, I'm locked in on the carrier with good reception/customer service but subpar selection.

Yeah, although I detest the larger button design, it looks ugly.

Yeah, that is the one downfall of it. I don't mind the Nexus S desing at all though, I can easily live with that one. Opinion is a wonderful thing.

I think I would rather have the glass over plastic.

I concur. I think the metal only backing would be nice, but then again, I don't mind the glass either.

Even cake? Or would it be a lie?

I admit, I lol'ed

The only thing I'll ever need for notifications is the Piano Riff.

No, it'll be on Engadget.

It COULD have been an accident, then again, although the chance is slim, it could have been on purpose. That story was on CNN, FOX, CBC, CTV, and many more in North American news stories. It's free advertisement. However, I doubt, that they would pull it twice.

If not, well, it's Sky, I'm sure they can recoup the losses.

There are simularities. Apple probably improved other designs, changed the concept, and modeled it differently. And stop acting like "Apple is the only one who ever improved/used ideas", because face it, it's happened since the first day of humanity, whenever that is.

The market is indeed a large one for this product.

Pfft, roads, I'll just ride my polar bear through the barren wilderness of Saskatchewan.

The case isn't the issue. If I buy from a manufacturer, I want good support. Dell is lackluster on their tech support.

Did the atomic bomb come out of the church? Electricity? Computers? The Internet?