
@growler: To my knowledge, it is now all US stores. It has been in Targets for quite some time.

As a Young, I totally agree. Its very hard to fight the temptation

My biggest issue with achievements is that they rarely are an achievement. I'm going to use Reach as an example because it's the last thing I picked up with achievements.

Arise chicken, Arise.

I thought the guy playing Red was Dave Chapelle for half a second. My hopes died quickly.

@RickyMouse: I love this even more because it's an animated .gif.

@ps61318: He would have won too, had the court not called habeas corpse-us.

Whoa whoa whoa, 6 is the most searched?

@ImSpartacus: It was sarcasm lol. I've overheated enough components when I was younger to fully understand air flow.

I just removed the panels from the sides of my PC and replaced it with box fans. /s

@db4dbms: I was wondering that myself. It sorta fits...I think.

I take back everything I ever said about Charm City Cakes.

@flinx1: Very good comment. This is something to consider for anyone thinking of using a portrait display. Great tip.

@askj113: Sir, and you're welcome good fellow/madame.

If that doesn't summarize what high school was, I don't what does.