As a Young, I totally agree. Its very hard to fight the temptation
As a Young, I totally agree. Its very hard to fight the temptation
@ToodlesDC: TANSTAAFL all the way.
My biggest issue with achievements is that they rarely are an achievement. I'm going to use Reach as an example because it's the last thing I picked up with achievements.
@AlphaIOmega: Hah. That's pretty awesome.
I thought the guy playing Red was Dave Chapelle for half a second. My hopes died quickly.
@RickyMouse: I love this even more because it's an animated .gif.
@OneColdMonkey: Double comment promotion. (If I could).
@ps61318: He would have won too, had the court not called habeas corpse-us.
Whoa whoa whoa, 6 is the most searched?
@ImSpartacus: It was sarcasm lol. I've overheated enough components when I was younger to fully understand air flow.
I just removed the panels from the sides of my PC and replaced it with box fans. /s
@db4dbms: I was wondering that myself. It sorta fits...I think.
I take back everything I ever said about Charm City Cakes.
@mrwukevin: Why would you want that?!
@flinx1: Very good comment. This is something to consider for anyone thinking of using a portrait display. Great tip.
@askj113: Sir, and you're welcome good fellow/madame.
If that doesn't summarize what high school was, I don't what does.
@agentgray: Yeah really. They know friday is the death row.