@lostarchitect: Well put. Pernod isn't of good quality. Of course the ideal absinthe isn't legal in the US. But when I can get it, it's quite a nice treat.
@lostarchitect: Well put. Pernod isn't of good quality. Of course the ideal absinthe isn't legal in the US. But when I can get it, it's quite a nice treat.
@RedXIII: Regardless of the fanboyism, you get a heart click just for mentioning Samurai Jack.
@blu_goku: The true irony is that most of these tablets and consoles have linux in them to some degree.
A big Congrats to SpaceX. I'm now that much closer to living out some sort of Outlaw Star fantasy.
When the Kotaku main page loaded, all I saw was a giant picture of Laguna. For that brief second I had no idea what was going on, but feared some sort of FFVIII-2 scenario.
Holy 1984 batman.
I just go for the law of averages with starbucks. My drinks tend to be expensive during the winter, unless I go for a bold pick of the day. However the summer is strictly iced coffee, which is quite cheap.
Thanks for the heads up, but this really sucks for those of us who use goo.gl normally. Now it will have some weird paranoid issue with people.
A very cool idea, but doesn't dropbox have issues with lots of tiny files? If I was to sync something like, Minecraft (fragmented files at the wahzoo), it doesn't do batch, and takes forever.
*looks at his Droid X and crys*
@HannaChan: This. 1000x this.
Hell yeah Georgia Tech.
As long as they do a proper trailer, I'm all in. I enjoyed the first one.
@LVP: Currently a broken link, but I dug this up:
@WarShrike: I thought I was going crazy from lack of sleep. Thank you.
@Meat Robot, commenting apprentice: Strangely enough, because of how they joined the Union, they totally have the right to do that.
@BigDikJohnson: Good reference.
@platoreborn: here here!