
BBM is the one thing I miss about my old blackberry. Oh welll...

@Stem_Sell: ...but it will get there eventually.

@hostile-17: I'm inclined to back you up on this one. Unless you have the suspension to compensate the less forgiving tires, I'd say just carry a spare.

You know, I like it.

@CaptMorgan74: Man I'd love some hash(tag)browns. With a nice cup of Java.

@CaptMorgan74: #getoffmylawn is actually a common tag these days. I think we're all getting old, because I totally agree with you.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Thank you. I was going to go nuts if someone missed that set-up.

I love it, but I don't love it $9,600. I could build it though. I have the tools, and the talent.

I for one welcome my TSA overl- wait no I don't.

@justagamer: I think it was just a joke man.

"Admit Cocktail was a good movie or I jump."

I forgot just how good of a year this was in games. A lot of good contenders, and it makes it very hard to choose. Oh screw it:

@emwurst: That's pretty intense. Stuff like that tends to happen to me in Halo a lot. Not as crazy, but a lot of spawning into sniper fire. Trigger was pulled before I was even there, but sure enough, I got there just in time. that you?

Holy F@#$

@mricyfire: A defining trend in this current art age is the blue/orange contrast.