
Honestly, I'm perfectly happy with the default android alarm. Maybe it's because I'm coming from the default blackberry alarm, but it suits all my needs.

Krabby! I choose you! *throws*

I was literally holding down the camera button when I saw "Doesn't work on DX".

@RRW: He just got beat to death with the fourth wall O_o

Let me tell you a little something about breaking the fourth wall...

@axiomatic: On the logic of the first point, no one should have ever bought a flatscreen, because Samsung made the screens for everyone. It's an interesting fact, but not a reason to downplay its technical merits.

@ssurfer321: took the words out of my mouth

I'm going to chime in with another Batman Beyond vote for reasons already stated.

Saute any protein. Use the fat from that to cook any starch through risotto method, toss it all together with a veg and let cook a few more mins.

Officer I bought the hooker because I ran out of willpower. They brought donuts into work, and it just drained me.

You know some of these would have been really cool. Like the stronger love triangle, or Miss Piggy.

@The Squid: Although I agree, he never said he asked for handouts.

The bear will haunt me forever.

@Black Knight Rebel: I went back and watched DBZ recently, but they have the Japanese intros on it if you want the restored audio. It...wasn't the same.

I totally get where he's coming from. I have like 4 decharged cans of WD40 laying around. They do it on purpose. Really though, another $4 can is way cheaper than the hospital bill of that blowing up.

Is that skateboard for death? That is a pointy tip.