
@Tacticalspoon: Yeah I'm sure he did. In exchange of of dignity. But in this internet age, what is dignity anymore?

It was a neat concept, but took up a ton of screen space. When it loaded I got stupid apps like "Pets LIVE" and a ton of home screen customizations. Nothing related to any app I had.

So what about that guy that was used like a promotional tool? He got all those tattoos, piercings, etc for nill?

There is an android version as well. Works pretty well on my X. A shame I cant watch streams though (the reason I dug it up).

Porn use to be this treasure you'd find as a (male) kid. Now...oh well. Hopefully another experience will replace it. Getting past your parents internet filter or something.

GT: MavrixWK

@fate47 - meh.: Three great tastes that may or may not taste great together.

@Malorkis: Amen. But it looks three piece.

You could say that tattoo is pretty clutch.

@dagwud: Ohhhhhhh. Yeah you got me beat lol

It needs some work, but overall I love it.

The kid in me is delighted to see DBZ back on the air. Different channel, but the same time slot too. Oh nostalgia.