Yeah, I see the same. Leia and Luke in E4 garb (especially Luke, since he's dueling Vader) is most obvious.
Yeah, I see the same. Leia and Luke in E4 garb (especially Luke, since he's dueling Vader) is most obvious.
I think that you are extrapolating things that aren't there to support your notion (this isn't terrible, I probably am too). Lux wasn't trying to "single-handedly bring the CIS down," he was trying to get revenge on Count Dooku (for ordering an assassination of his mother), which reinforces the notion that usually…
That's not at all what he was thanking them for. He thanks Ashoka for getting him away from joining Death Watch, which isn't presented as allied with the CIS at all.
That's one character, and he's had that happen to him so that he can interact with the protagonists more (he's even said in this arc something to the effect of "I still can't be bothered with the Republic."). My point was that (since his home planet is comprised of more than just him and his mother) the show has…
Isn't the whole character of Lux (and his first episode arc) designed to support the notion that there are Separatist planets that are happy to be Separatists?
I was actually waiting to see Ashoka fail at that one, and got kind've excited when it looked like she'd have to jump in to save everyone before General what's-his-stache decided to help.
They've been riding around on those flying things several times in these episodes. I mean, it's not as on-the-nose as you might like, but my first thought in the Onderon intro episode when they showed Saw riding an animal was "oh yeah, Beast Riders."
Here's a multiplayer space sim (with a pedigree!) you can crowdfund:
The price of gas is a many-splendored thing, and one that defies simple assessment (i.e. it doesn't follow really basic economics re: supply/demand). That said, all I was looking for from the get-go was a conversation, and not something reduced to stereotypes - even if it wasn't an easy conversation to dig down into.
I can only read what you write, I can't infer from the entire set of possible outcomes. You said "we're," which is the basis of my inference.
Hah! Colbert plays Beorn. Poetic justice.
I don't think there's an overstatement to be made - consumption increases linearly with distance traveled. I'm not saying that there's not wasteful attitudes to be addressed in our country (there are); I am saying that it's probably a larger factor than you appear to be giving it credit for (and I could easily be…
It may have been (although you should know better than to lead with something that incendiary apropos of nothing else), but your follow-up comments indicated that it spoke to something you obviously held as true (e.g. "I'll find cursing American wastage slightly less satisfying when you've lead us all into…
Self-hating Americans - I always love this act. Go on, there's got to be more there than the American tourist parody you see all of us as.
Wikipedia says that the pop. density of the U.S. is 87.4 to the E.U.'s 300.9 (/sq. mi). That's almost 3.5 times difference, which is pretty substantial. India's population density is ~950/mi^2, which is a similar ratio in comparison to Europe (i.e. ~3.2) - so if you consider there to be a pretty radical difference in…
For every person who thinks that AAA "uninspired" sequels are quick cash grabs, there is a person who doesn't realize the cost of the incredible amount of polish that goes into games like that (spoiler: they are the same people). Sometimes they may feel unoriginal, but they are tight, polished, and heavily tested…
Plastic engines. I can't wait until a poorly-hit baseball actually blows up a car.
I don't know, but my head hurts a little.
That basically was a Bond game, wasn't it? I think the roles were defined as the "three J.B.'s - James Bond, Jason Bourne, and Jack Bauer."
It is pretty awful, although the slottable oranges should make up for most (not all!) of purples in the PvE parts (which is all you can do in F2P anyway).