
Disregarding the lunacy of asking me to find "a single person" with an opinion (I could just as easily say that my perception was that, but I suspect you would then further clarify the nature of the single person I had to find), I will simply point you towards Google, which seems to have at least a bit of a divided

He's trying to court public opinion here, and it's too bad that the public is generally going to side with him here. The problem is that this is too easily viewed as a case of "lone indie dev" vs. "soulless company."

It is a gallery made of rogues (plural), so technically no apostrophe is needed at all. However, if one is used, the article's original placement is fine.

One of the few movies I have that's just a good "pop in any time" movie. Doesn't require a lot of thought, and it's a great piece of cotton-candy fluff that's really easy to enjoy.

There's no reason you should feel like you have to have technical training to understand how to make a mod (and anyone should be able to understand mod installation - most of the time they're packed to make it easy for the end user). My undergraduate degree was in psychology and I've had no technical training since

No one should feel the need to drown a steak in ketchup, but heaven forbid that the people who like that better should be told at the supermarket that they're not allowed to have steak unless they eat it only one way.

Not to be a killjoy, but it's not a scrap of paper - it's a photo of Harvey Dent.

I agree with you. It's easy to take a look at something and couch it in silly terms, like the article does with its headline. The gist of the lawsuit seems pretty reasonable, though. "They stole our IP" - which could mean not only concept of feeding animals, but the method of implementation, too. It wouldn't be

It's a sentence fragment that would normally be okay as a quirk of phrase, but with all the added description it is made a little obfuscated. See:

I don't think you really listened to what I said at all - you don't have to argue your point so hard. Looking at the simplest parts of each character in their respective movies; Movie Rogers does what he does so that he can contribute to a war machine that belongs to a country whose ideals he believes in. Movie Stark

I don't think that you're wrong, but I also think that within the context of the movies there's actually a pretty decent rationale set up for Iron Man and Cap to be at odds. IM2 set up Tony as pretty anti-establishment, anti-military (with a lot of the impetus for this from the first movie), and in terms of where Cap

I think the KotOR soundtracks stand very well on their own, and like you I think that the FFX soundtrack has some very memorable themes.

Yeah, as soon as I hear about something new I check over at Amazon. Too bad this article wasn't up a couple days ago.

@Bluberrybangbang: It is what it says in the description - a speedrun of the game (in about an hour).

@DefiantDragon: Yeah, this is the kind of attitude I've been wanting to see in a Superman flick too. The man should be joyfully hitting something with his fists, not brooding and confronting psychological demons. A little more Goku and a little less Batman.

@NoGood56er: I agree with you; the HHG series has pretty well co-opted the phrase in pop culture and it's very likely that was the intended reference. The use of the whole "you youngsters" phrase (when it is equally likely that you or anyone would also be considered ignorant by someone their senior) rubs me the wrong

@Joel Johnson: Of course - I wouldn't (and wasn't) try(ing) to insinuate that you were being a shill. The whole "we send, you talk about" schtick is simply how the games media works.

@Static Jak: I've always found the 2-D Zeldas a lot better for me, in terms of holding my attention. I'll cop to it taking me years to finish even Ocarina (which is a legitimately fun game that often feels a lot "bigger" than the 2-D games).

@NoGood56er: Nothing is new under the sun. The saying almost assuredly pre-dates Adams as a common use saying of indefinite origin: "so long and thanks for all the..." (often laughs, memories).