
@corpore-metal: Because the best thing you can do "as a nerd" is take potshots at fanatics of a different stripe. Everyone's got his own hobbies, you know.

@Splotch Eleven: That wasn't her point, I don't think. Of course, intrinsic rewards are a huge part of the game experience, but is it the central feature ("the core of the experience")? Do people choose to play video games because they want to experience trivial reward or do the trivial rewards simply act as an

@Eltigro: Sometimes a blimp is just a blimp.

@Deadsider: I've wrapped presents like that before - golf balls make excellent packing and weight.

@Shinju001: Disorders aren't things that interfere with life events, but things that interfere with lifestyles.

@bakana: I don't know that yours is the best example, but your point that there is some subjective wiggle-room is well-taken.

@Nivenus: Yeah, this is pretty much a hallmark of any disorder - where a set of symptoms crosses into the "impeding living a healthy life" area.

@OmegaChosen: They're going for the pun on "tepid," which is another reference to temperature. I like your name better, but theirs isn't so arcane.

@mousemanb: I've likewise had a good experience with their customer service - I once mistakenly (I am still not sure where to place blame here) had an order shipped to an address at which I no longer live. Despite there being no real way to confirm the veracity of this issue, the rep reimbursed my account with

five-year mission to find evidence of

@snarky30: I agree. Since they're Gators fans, they can't be crazy. QED.

@AcidTWister: Super Mario Land 2 disagrees with you. Mario vs. Wario who captured his kingdom and not his princess, and he has to collect star coins. It's a great game. Super Mario Land also had a different villain (Tatanga).

What's interesting is hearing that conventional wisdom for film gives a whole ten minutes - I suppose there are advantages to being able to hold the hand of the consumer. The conventional wisdom for games is like it, but smaller in magnitude - they only get two minutes to hook you, or it's likely you're done (not

@jeff.soto: I am both pleased to have not been the only one to think of that and disappointed that I did not have the opportunity to make mention first. Well met.

"For dry, red eyes, vuy Clear-Eyes...

I have to admit, I'm fairly well-relieved by this review. Not because I too thought that the show needed to improve by leaps and bounds - I have fairly plebian tastes for my entertainment and will fully admit that I've enjoyed past episodes for what they were - but because while I enjoyed all the previous episodes, I


@Chip Overclock: I don't know that your relationship is as strong as you think it is. Many people leave academia after graduate school.

@abates25: I feel like sunshine should be in the hindparts, as we all know that unicorn biology was the progenitor for the adage "I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your..."