
Don’t take my comment to mean that I think Ron doesn’t mature or isn’t a good man. I agree about his character arc, and that the development of their relationship is woven throughout the books. I just personally couldn’t see it lasting to marriage and kids. I would have preferred that the three remained lifelong

So right now I’m going through the audiobooks rather than rereading, and the number of times Hermione reminds Harry of Molly Weasley is unnerving. But then again, Ron does seem like the type who’d want to marry someone exactly like his mom. (team Hermione/some random guy she meets while her career is sky rocketing

As long as you are honest about your habits with your health care professional, use what ever label you like.

My mother’s research has primarily been on nicotine, and thus cigarettes. I remember her explaining that when conducting surveys, they have to be very carful when asking about smoking. Most of the people who are”light/very light smokers” or “smoke only when drunk” do not self-identify as smokers, and thus can be

No love for the final season of Justified?

I want this poster yesterday.

Dany clearly goes to Beauxbatons.

OH I feel bad about this, but I would totally tolerate a meal (and only a meal) with Sean Penn if that meant getting to go to The French Laundry and not having to pay. If I was not a broke student I would totally spring for it, so much yummmm.

I’m going to be all about this! Chocolate Orange Confetti is my favorite Three Twins flavor.


Do it! I only have one tattoo, and it’s a mix of real and tattooed freckles to complete a constellation that means a lot to me (love greek mythology!). I love it because it’s a secret just for me, totally hidden in plain sight.

Consent is a two way street. His consent to partner in creating a piece of art for her is equally important. He didn’t stop her from ever getting a neck tattoo, he just refused to be a participant.

My thoughts are that this guy is a professional and providing an artistic service (service might be the wrong word here, but I can’t think of a better one), and in his professional consultation made it clear he thought this was a poor idea and didn’t want to be a part of it. I don’t think this is an outrageous concept

Yes, as I’ve said elsewhere, this was a simplified argument. Not every state recognizes sexual orientation, but NO state recognize hate group membership. I was trying to make the point (clearly poorly) that this is a bad analogy.

You’re right, I wasn’t addressing this case specifically, but rather the larger argument that people have made here and elsewhere that not being allowed to deny service to lgbt community for ‘religious reasons’ would mean being forced to serve hate groups. But even in this case, a pro gay message is not equivalent to

Yes, I was oversimplifying. the lack of national coverage is shameful, but we can agree that no where is being a member of the kkk a protected class.

I’m aware of the shameful lack of coverage, but the point stands. being a member of a hate group isn’t protected anywhere.