
I am aware of the oversimplification of my argument, my fault for writing while nauseous. I didn’t feel like getting into the nitty gritty details with someone who jumped directly to the “making a gay cake=have to make a kkk cake too” argument. I was just trying to point out how these are not at all analogous.

I am aware of the lack of coverage of protection, but we can agree that coverage for the queer community is (much too slowly) extending to other states, whereas being a member of a hate group is not a protected status anywhere. But the general point stands. This isn’t a free speech issue, as this isn’t governmental

If we are talking about the US (since I’m not familiar with Irish laws), sexuality is protected class, like race or gender, that is expressly protected against discrimination. Being a member of a hate group like the KKK is not a protected class. It’s not about what is put on the cake that’s at issue, it’s about who is


The boning even looks uneven! Like at least make it perfectly symmetrical, because this is both hiddy and sloppy.

We did all pile on, didn’t we? I’m sorry for all the shade coming your way, but your life will be so much richer for knowing the difference and how to wield it. I’m glad you have a sense of humor about this.

...bless your heart.

Wow court, this has to be, no joke, the most complimentary comment I’ve received here. I’m actually touched, and I’m glad that you think my theory holds some water. It was one of those shower thoughts that I just couldn’t let go of, especially when I started seeing it everywhere.

Ode to Ikea?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how a supposedly educated person could believe such bunk. Beyond egregiously bad sex ed/science education, I wonder if how unwanted pregnancies are commonly depicted in pop culture has anything to do with it. We’ve seen so many times in TV/movies that when a women gets accidentally pregs

That’s the worst. I did end up reporting it, but I hope you’re not too hard on yourself for choosing not too. It’s not our directive to fix asshole profs, it’s theirs not to be assholes.

Sent it and reported it online. Thanks for the support!

Rage is the best motivation. It’s going to fuel me in this class.

Sent it and reported it online. I’ve been harassed by a fellow student in the past, not nearly as bad, but it’s so distracting form being a good student. I’m sorry you were silenced by that asshole.

Ugh, that’s the worst.

Sent it and reported it online. He’s only a lecturer and a newish hire. I will definitely have harsh words in the eval

I did! Anything for Science!

What a dick. I sent it and reported it online. Thanks for the encouragement!

Sent it and reported it online. Thanks for the encouragement!

Sent it and reported it online. Thanks for the encouragement!