
Nude shoes are boring and the worst.

Nope, not Seth. And I thinking that outing a lying law enforcement officer was the right call.

Now I feel bad because I'll do something similar. When I meet someone I know I'll never see again, like at a large party or bar (drinking is key), I'll tell outrageous stories about wild animal inflicted injuries (I've semi-regularly worn a cast on my wrist for over a year because it's never fully healed). I once

I always wondered what parents who suffer from face blindness do. This seems smart in that case.

Same. Plus hysterical laughing.

I have done that at the end of a date. And I then refused getting a lift home, saying I'd prefer to take the bus. It was a terrible date.

That was my first thought.

You need to pour it yourself. My glass waits for no waiter.

Now playing

More importantly, have you seen her Ellen on Ellen? I love it so much!

Why haven't they asked Dr. Spaceman?

And they hold hands!!

Again, we are taught how to make friends, generally in lower school. We learn how to be a group leader. These are not innate skills.

*needs to be taught too.

That's because they've been taught those subjects. Consent needs to be taught to.

What is this doing buried down here? I seriously guffawed.

I was hoping someone would post this!

I snorted at that.

Wait what now?? This is news to me. What happened?

That is amazing! Thank you for introducing me to the genderbread person.

Gender does not equal genitalia.