
Ah, Jezza.

That level of irony was NOT lost on me!

"That's why Eve was born."

Lasik, anyone?

I've always known that Sean Young gave Ridley some trouble, but I've never known what she did exactly. Care to explain please?

Better safe than sorry, I say. Just recently, I've been experiencing a total disregard towards reading notes, relevant information and what-not from my colleagues, so this is the kind of thing that I have to do now.

TL;DR: I work with lazy idiots who do not read.

Whoa. That is chilling. :(


I see. I'm still a bit fuzzy as to how would you overload the front axle. Aftermarket parts? Party dudes standing on your bonnet?

I loved this video. Learned a lot about thermal paste and how to (and not to) apply it.

I like your style.

The Lambo looks really convincing. The Mustang (the hood area, specially) looks not as good.

Is that Mustang for real?

Care to explain what is that plaque? Thanks.

Both sentences are correct, sir.

Complimentary knee scrapes! Oh, and a bald spot!

Where's the EDIT option in Kinja? I need to edit that "honEstly". Dammit.

She looks entertained.

Question: was that green an original spec color? Looks amazing, but a bit extra contemporary.

Whenever I see these beautiful, sexy shapes I begin to wonder, apart from the clay models and the sketches, how ON EARTH the car designers achieved them? I mean, it's "too easy" (huge understatement, I know) now with CAD/CAM, 3D printers, etc., but I cannot stop wondering the creative and mechanical processes that