
I think you're dead on with the framing point. Not to compare apples to oranges, but I knew when I joined a particular team, I was pretty much 100% going to be hazed. The main difference is that they weren't actually interested in or trying to have actual sex with me, but from a pedantic standpoint, you could still

Real Talk. No one wants to hear it and it's abundantly clear that no sane or decent person endorses this paradigm, but to deny it's truth is foolish.

Simple answer is that you VASTLY underestimate the proportion of your fellow citizens that not only tolerate cannabis, but also actually indulge in its wonders. You are surrounded.

Legitimate question: I like to update/tinker with my computer during meetings instead of paying attention but I usually don't because of the need to restart and the resultant chime. If I just use this app to disable the chime while I'm in meetings and then enable it afterwards when I'm not in a quiet setting, is there

+1 Light of the Moon

Yep. The kiosk was right above the food court in Perimeter Mall. I moved last July, so can't give you an updated status on the girl. If you go, get some Bourbon Chicken for me. Om nom nom.

A thousand pardons, sir. I find their product to be similar to Zagg products. Perfect, unless you want a matte finish. As far as I know, they only do glossy covers. I did the self-install kit for the Air and it was pretty easy.

I'll throw my $0.02 in for Clear-Coat products. They had a hot Kardashian clone working at their mall kiosk in Dunwoody for a while who convinced me to cover my iPad. I've since ordered their products for my MacBook Air and two phones. If you like them on Facebook, they're always giving out 25% off codes.

I am white, male, middle aged, and Tulane student in graduate school. In a nutshell, this city is not safe. BUT, this comes with certain caveats. Nearly every murder or shooting is black on black crime and in one of the projects and is related to gang activity which proscribes such behavior to even scores between

As my neighbor in the athletes' dorm at a prominent SEC school told me when I asked the same question about several of his female visitors..."They white, dawg."

If you get punched in the face in the context of a fight with your adrenaline pumping, its almost like you feel the impact and know it should hurt but your body shuts down the pain, so you can almost just chalk up the fact you just got hit and get on with the donnybrook. It'll probably hurt like hell tomorrow, but at

Step 1: Tell your doctor that you are having trouble concentrating and focusing in your new job/school

Agreed. A lot of the negative comments here are far too dismissive of one of the primary ways to sell/pitch a job. If you are a contractor/consultant, this will be familiar. You talk to the customer, help them discover a "problem" and then convince them that you are the person who can fix said problem with your

Agreed. A primary reason he's popular is because of the relative lack of local sports talk in the South. Given a legitimate choice, I'm sure Bammers wouldn't choose a yankee as their voice. But given a choice between a yankee who lives and breathes SEC versus Colin Fucking Cowherd...the choice is obvious.

Hence the (attempted) joke.

I did too, you non-word-remembering motherfucker.

You can, however, hire Gloria Allred and hold press conferences in which you will explain how said individual or organization was an ass.

Cool story bro. I hope you don't mind me omitting the comma before bro or the quotation marks around bro in the two times I used it in this sentence.

You are factually incorrect. God is not real and thus neither is this alleged "commandment to fill the Land." I know that things like civil rights don't really fit in with this master plan of yours, but your people, of all people, should know better.

And none come by the teasing more honestly. Everything in the state, from the blatantly pyromaniacal and anti-couch football celebrations to the atrocious hostility of their court system, stands in stark contrast to the civilization that the rest of the country has been scrabbling together over the past couple