
I know that due to my lack of witty dick jokes and/or scant knowledge of historical sports minutiae keeps me in the greyish asswipe commenter shade, but I'm looking for some legit advice from Deadspin, LLC.

Unfortunately, it was not effective at preventing backcourt penetration

Lattimore was the only dominant player in the East who could legitimately threaten the LSU defense. The closest thing my Dawgs have is Aaron Murray and a true freshman RB Crowell who is dinged up. I was hoping USC would win out earlier in the year to save UGA from the curb stomping we're about to get in the SEC

Great nothing to add other than my favorite Cintron gif

I was actually looking forward to my 10 year due to the overwhelming odds of reminiscing with any one of a (depressingly) few athletic supporters that managed to not get pregnant or fat in the interim since they last cheered on my on-field exploits. Then my girlfriend found out about it and insisted on going as my

Emory fratboy, eh?

FWIW, the offense involving purposeful, unprivileged, harmful or offensive touching is battery. Assault is an act that puts the victim in imminent fear of bodily harm. I'm not nitpicking you, just wanted to put the info out there.

+4 24"dubz

The adage that "there's no such thing as free" is especially true in media. If you are watching something for free, it is not the product. You are the product and someone is paying for the chance to try and sell you something.

I would reserve the right to say that BHop played chicken with the "unable to continue" claim a la Kermit Cintron. Your point stands, though. Can't be a TKO loss. Either a DQ to one of the fighters or a ND.

You shouldn't throw bones in glass houses?

This is just silly. "Exploding with ferocity" is a bit strong for someone who hadn't won a round and was so frustrated he unleashed multiple attempts to foul via headbutt before finally making such an obvious attempt as to warrant a deduction and in any other fight, a potential disqualification. If you saw what I

Indeed. There are situations where eight-figure verdicts are appropriate...not including this one.

This, exactly.

Short answer is sometimes. A direct hit is truly awful, but the pain isn't really "centered" in the nutsack; more like an intense abdominal pain that aches and makes you nauseous. A glancing blow or a pinch seems to focus the pain "right there" and is pretty much impossible to ignore.

My parents grew up in the Mississippi Delta back in the 50s and 60s and DDT was pretty much ubiquitous there, crop dusted, sprayed from tractors, everywhere. If it caused anything other than attraction to cousins or propensity toward alcoholism, I'm missing something. The farmers loved it though. It saved Cotton from

Guys renting nice condos are doing it 101% for girls. Full Stop. If we could consistently pull *culo* by living in a cardboard box, we'd probably be there. See every frat house ever; all are dumps inside,requiring only minimal upkeep and repairs, because girls still come over in droves. When they wise up around age

Things change, Mox.

And on the other hand, if we can somehow survive and even thrive in the next 20 years, China can then dump their US$$ holdings into the market and collapse the dollar down to a more favorable rate for trade. Uggh.