
Jesus...$630 for an 870? It's the AK47 of shotguns (and I mean that with all due respect) but I'm not that old and I think I bought one for like $200 not too long ago. You are pushing the cost of a really decent autoloader at $7-800.

That's is a disgusting interview.

+1. I never played a game not blazed until after college and summer 7s is meant for some shroomin.

"16 oz. Beer Mon 11 Jul 2011 11:43 AM

Its not a preference of fake to real, it's more about big vs small or perky vs gravitationally challenged. Also, I guarantee that if you know 500 females, you know someone who's had work done. FWIW, I'm not a fan of needless inflation and am just happy if I get to become acquainted with a girl's boobs, but that being

"Drunken Barbecue Hookup Failure"

Are the violet gangs the ones that you see in West Hollywood clubs?

Fair point. Perhaps formal British social nomenclature needs a term for ladder-climbing families. Does it already exist? Nouveau riche is too French, so that's obviously out of consideration. WaG is one of my favorites from your fair isle, so along those lines, I submit FoRs, Fckers of Royalty. Incase that's too

Clumsy example. Point was supposed to be that the upper class seems to be a place that defies mere money. I was trying to point out another instance of money not equalling class status.

Glad to know your personal preference is more weighty than actual societal structure. I could use you whilst trying to gain entrance to any number of posh destinations for dinner or drinks. For some reason, they won't just take my money and let me in. Can you please come with and explain your theory to the doormen?

This is all Liu Kang's fault. He shouldn't have been hanging around with women footballers in the first place. Guilt by association. Raiden doesn't discriminate.

Chug a Nalgene full of H2O, Hit the Sauna for 20 mns, Chug Emergen-C, eat Adderall. In that order.

Coke, blow, yay, Columbian Marching powder, Trust Fund Dust, etc. Above posters are correct in assumptions. I think glitter is called 'Ke$ha Flakes' these days.

Even after realizing what it is, being that it's Monday, don't you still kind of want it? Maybe I just need Prozac.

This is really going to be a boon to my neon tetra smuggling operation. If you're looking for me, I'll be at the W drinking Ace of Spades.

For once...and maybe only once, I agree 100% with you.

Rugger here. Gotta keep your socks pulled up when you play. If you don't have the energy or pride to do so, you're about to or have already gotten your ass handed to you.

Or dyed blue to root for the local baseball team...

Well said. I'm not a huge fan of the show, but I did occasionally watch for the lulz. He wasn't the kind of dick that deserved to die in a fire.

you know, you'd like to hope the sublimely talented people in this world could pull through their demons and deliver their talents to this world. This is an example of when this doesn't happen. Sad to say that she belongs in a hospital more than on a stage. Despite her unconventionally appearance, her clear emotional