
Of course it was intentional. She's obviously figured out how reproduction works based on her last go-round. Having one baby got her from poor and unremarkable to the famous/notorious status that is seemingly the hallmark of our times. In her mind, if one baby got her this far, just think about what a second one

I'm not trying to get banned for any kind of body comment violation do debate this lady's chest, but based on my very scientific field studies as well as a thorough review of the playboy bikini photo in question, I will submit the following theorum in support of the authenticity of her funbags: Check the sag angle on

This is only as it pertains to pulling girls in a nightlife sense, but I've found that a smirk or pout (not myspace duckface, but like the inverse of a smirk) works 1000x better than full-on smiling at a girl. I am a happy guy. If I pass a pretty girl at work or on the street, I can't help but smile and make eye

...Chicken fried in *peanut oil*

To be fair, isn't the staging of elaborate, violent sporting spectacles kind of obvious in the poor-people-distracting effort?

This is the moment that will give him much-needed credibility establishing his niche as a mentally disabled rapper.

ESPN would only be a "cool kid party" if you consider "cool" to be a $40 cab ride to an exclusive nightclub full of delta bravos who are mainly creeping Erin Andrews, six cougars getting hammered at the bar and like four hipsters getting high out back. So Chris Berman is an ass and a lot of the guys bang some interns.

I can't wait to graduate...I plan to offer "All the help the law allows" at my firm too.

A minor violation is in order for hooking, because she is begging for a crease violation and simultaneous high sticking. From the looks of it, if she thinks she's going to be holding any dough at the end of the night she's tripping unless she plans on slashing her prices.

Depends...ruggers may be down a player or two due to arrests or injuries sustained in the post-first round celebration.

That was literally the most unbelievable collection of gadgets and machinery I've ever seen. I took a whole day in there and didn't care because I could have stayed for weeks.

I go home at 12AM if not earlier. I used to kind of like a good scrap now and again, but its just not worth potentially getting RamBro'd by a squad of asswipes with daddy issues at 2AM. One on one is all good, but if one guy is walking away or your friends can't stay out of it, it's not a fight, it's an assault.

Absolutely. And not just female ones. The cliche holds: The price of fame is high.

Her business is to make her business our business. Otherwise, we'd rightfully forget she even existed. With fame comes the peanut gallery.

@RandomArt For sheer speed pleasure, I like that NB access road under/beside the connecter just north of where they are. Never any cops and you can get up into the low triple digits if traffic isn't awful plus a nice downhill right hand sweeper to enter the roadway from W. Peachtree.

I had no idea Frank Beamer was contagious...

haha. Point is well taken though. On this particular point, in this particular movie/story genre, there's no perceptible bias between the sexes, methinks. I'd much rather watch Vin Diesel and Paul Walker crash cars than James Earl Jones or Steve Buchemi, though they are great in their own right.

I am very interested in these types of discussions because of personal goals. I know that I feel great when I look good/better. Even if it's overly strenuous, painful, etc to exercise and seriously work on your diet and may or may not be "actually" healthy to be thinner, is there any thought given to the emotional,

I guess I'd have to apply some kind of multiplier to account for the current sundress/coed factor. God/Allah/Gaia blesses Southern college towns in the spring.

Nicolas Cage...FTW!