
I'd especially like that caravan he used early on...provided it came complete with a capacity load of the above-mentioned botanicals.

George: [stands] Alright. Well, in all honesty, I don't feel that what I've done is a crime. And I think it's illogical and irresponsible for you to sentence me to prison. Because, when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants. I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say

If we were sitting here debating budgets, no one would argue that it's a bad idea to monitor, limit and plan for transactions. However, we aren't, so you are. Makes no sense. I have no idea what you are supporting other than the idea that it's unhealthy to throttle the amount of food going into your pie-hole in

Listen, you can call it a myth all you want. I'll just rely on...oh, something like thousands of years of evidence that eating more than you burn results in body mass and burning more than you eat results in loss of body mass. Are there some people whose metabolism or body chemistry might defy the norm...sure. But,

Exactly. I think the big issue that interests Jezzies is that of body image, which as a sometimes-heavy guy, I can see the point. The trouble is that we seem to be unable to hinge the medical condition of having excess body fat from the socially constructed notion of being "fat". Listen, for me, it's a fucking great

Yeah, like I said, just strictly from a calories standpoint, we don't need too many if we aren't crazy active. I used to play rugby and lift weights and could eat a ton because keeping on weight was critical. But now I'm retired and really have to keep it under 2500/day and I run (ok, I slowly jog) about 15 miles a

I'm all for loving your body the way it is. I really am. But there's nothing dangerous about controlling your caloric intake or increasing your activity levels. We are animals and have bodies designed for active lifestyles. If you are sedentary, your daily caloric needs are likely less than 2000. I am a pretty big

I know, right? There's a pretty simple formula at play here. Calories consumed less calories expended equals net gain or loss which translates to body fat or loss thereof. I know people are prone to take the most psychologically gentle approach to discussing body issues, but no matter how you cut it, if you have

Of all the unlikely people to deserve the benefit of the doubt, she is it right now. She's an easy target for guys who have a grudge against a women who trade on their looks as well as for women who feel she's setting the movement back 20 years by her schtick. It's simply stupid to think that you don't use whatever

I just wish that there was an equivalent "jesus piece" for those of us nonbelievers who are also total ballers. I mean, how am I supposed to compete for chicks with a bro who has a sweet chain if I, myself, don't also have a totally sweet chain? Should I stoop so low as to falsely advertise and wear one anyway? What

And you hope the priest just comes in to talk...

I somehow think opposite. She seems resolute. You don't have to be broken and forever damaged by a violation. As we see so often here, sometimes that's exactly what happens in such situations, but I think it's a HUGE issue that victims of rape or other crimes are automatically labelled as broken or irreparably

Wrong site, Rambro.

But the point remains, even though the example may be flimsy. We are a nation of rules and laws, like it or not, and the original story here lends itself to the confusion. Most of us know little to nothing about the physiology, psychology and politics of gender transition or ambiguity. It's asking an awful lot of

What I often wonder, though, is why is the best solution to arrest everyone? Why was he even trying to drag some girl out of IHOP in the first place? Couldn't everyone just have gotten in a cab and gone home? That's the problem with the APD/Fulton County Sheriff/Highway Patrol. They don't care about helping people

Huge fail by those girls anyway. They are a 5 minute walk to the Buckhead Waffle House and a 5 minute cab from the Powers Ferry WaHo.

Q: What is the retro-hipster-euro version of "riced"?

@VanExelfor3: I think the OP was trying to say that the above-named thespians typically portray characters who prefer left-handed cigarettes.

I agree to an extent about your general premise that the message isn't all that inspiring to other potential and current female engineers in terms of the sexual message. However, why is this something that warrants such heavy handed punishment? They are not in poor taste and the reaction by the university is going to