Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Well, probably tasted better than Dewitos...
Distill the essence of being yelled at by a 12 year old while playing COD into a mountain dew flavor and I'll be impressed.
Given the very high decibel of the waambulance in this thread, I'm guessing I'm in the minority that thinks (no pun intended I double-dog, inky-pinky swear):
How incredibly douche-tastic of these guys. Why would I throw away someone else's disposable cup ever, but especially at an interview? I have no idea if that person is finished using said cup - I for one find it more responsible to use the same cup all day. Playing tricks on your interviewees seems childish and…
Thanks, Banana Jew. I guess I just need a bigger stool to look down on more people; that's always been my problem.
Have you ever gotten a genetic test done? You might not be 100% white. Just saying.
Yep, the racist gets no blame. It's those black peoples' fault he's racist. Go directly to hell.
It's just like that old saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted, but a rampant racist and his money will never be ousted as an NBA owner."
On several online forums, people have been arguing that Donald Sterling and all American citizens have a right to be racist and that the video of his interaction with his girlfriend was a private affair involving surreptitiously recorded actions. These people making this case for the sanctity of private free speech…
I didn't call ALL of you that. I just said the religion had a large selection. Which it does. For a religion that has been in largely uncontested control of the majority of cultural and military power in the wolrd for nearly 2 millennia (and will continue to do so EVEN AFTER china does the whole red dragon rising…
As always my feelings can bets be expressed via youtube clip
Remember who wrote the paper and who wrote the stone.
I didn't see it as "accepting" religion. More like "yeah, whatever, get it over with so I can move on". There was no reason to think that the act of accepting it meant anything other than doing whatever crap needed to be done to get in. Indiana Jones didn't punch Hitler when he was looking him right in the eye, even…
Why this scene is important (and you shouldn't be offended by it):
Yeah I'm fine with shooting people in the face, but WOAH NOW, taking a superstitious dip? I'm outtie.
I find it amusing that he would find a mock baptism more of a problem than the countless acts of murder he would have been very willing to cope with. This is personally something I find backwards about some people's religious beliefs. In my eyes murder is many times worse than blasphemy. The one is a breach of…