He loves her for her brains, not her beauty.
He loves her for her brains, not her beauty.
He doesn’t get to see bare foreheads that often. Maybe it’s a fetish for him.
what’s the best choice for a Falcons jersey and why is it the black throwbacks with “Vick #7" on it?
THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.
The GOP calls it the “Max Cleland”.
Did you just all lives matter me
He’s tried to make me geaux to rehab
I won’t geaux, geaux, geaux.
There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.
I know it’s disappointing to learn, but only 5 of the 20 MLS teams regularly play on artificial surfaces.
“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”
Seriously, if people need a disclaimer to keep them from doing stupid shit, then they’re too stupid to read a disclaimer. Like, we all KNOW that this is stupid and the guy most likely should have died. Does Casey putting “DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME” change that? No? Ok then.
This is the worst thing to happen to Atlanta involving a Sherman in a long time.
Whoa, hey look at that … it’s a Foodspin TV show. That’s right, folks: Albert Burneko and I and the crack Deadspin…
I think we can rule out Derrick as a suspect if you just review his shooting percentage
This is one of those Picture Worth a Thousand Word moments:
not really, when they test those huge turbofans they’ll spray insane amounts of water into them while running and it doesn’t really effect it too much. The combustion chamber is 2000 degrees, so the water is instantly vaporized.
*Sigh*, NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Welcome to Jalopnik, Mr. Pence.
In before "humans are a virus/cancer/parasite".