Houser's Grey Madder

She's messing with you Ding Dong

Awesome! That is hilarious!

I appreciate your well thought out and civil response, but I was merely making a joke about putting D-dog in Quiets outfit. Hence Q-dog!

The reason you are ashamed is because you put Q-dog in a bikini top and fishnets.


I don’t even like sports and I think this is hilarious.

You hav meltiple spelding and grammundical errors in your sentunce calling out sdelling erros.

I think you would be proud Luke. I finished “Act 1” last weekend while my wife was down the shore and its only taken me 25 hours to get there.

I'm pretty sure I never made it past that point. I hated that game.

See world

I am confused? Whatty what now?

Your logic is air tight my friend.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read.

The butter one wins everything!

I liked that one too but not as much as Farcry’s. It probably has to do with the 3rd person in TR. My shots always seemed to skew to the right. Lol

I guffawed at that.

Haha yeah that happens, check it out sometime though, the advanced really helped me.

Have you done all the training modes? I was struggling but after I saw those it really helped. Otherwise keep trying my friend it will click!

Anyone looking to play hit me up

I don’t know what is louder, me yelling while playing this game or my wife yelling for me to shut the hell up you are gonna wake the kids.