
I mostly agree with you. I’m not saying Dunkirk is bad. It was fine. I think the Tom Hardy sequences were the most engaging/interesting and I mean, Mark Rylance. And while I value the clarity Nolan presses for in action scenes, I don’t think his work has looked as good since Pfister moved on, but Hoytema is fine.

You’re missing both Coco and The Shape of Water, both of which were far better and had far more interesting things to say about life and death, obligation and duty than fucking Dunkirk and A Ghost Story.

I’d like to add franchise fanboys to the list. Star Wars. Justice League. Marvel movies. Jumanji(?). Doesn’t matter where they fall on it, they derail any conversation about something with inarticulate bullet points and knee jerk nitpicky reactions filtered through the opinion of some other guy who maybe read a

In defense of Holdo’s presentation: she’s a character we see almost exclusively through Poe’s perspective. As Poe doesn’t trust her and she doesn’t tell Poe anything, we as the audience don’t trust her or know anything until the big reveal. Apart from Poe’s squad, everyone seems aware of her plan, it’s just that

Miguel also did the pop version of “Remember Me” with Natalia Lafourcade, so that’s been awesome too.

I loved Coco, even moreso the longer since I watched it. Those first parts are great, but the last reel or so is triumphant.

I don’t know how to react to the potential sequels idea. All sorts of red flags rose up for me when Guadagnino said Enio would end up straight.

I mean, just for reference, and just limiting it to fantasy stories I can think of right now, there are plenty of other movies besides Star Wars that build a mythology and establish characters in less than two hours (and are great).

Worst computerized app of all time. So far.

And Spielberg.


I think Filmstruck does?

I watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It was glorious.

Did you forget Snow White and the Huntsman came out? Because that for me was one excruciatingly terrible experience, right up there with Dark Shadows.

Agreed. My boyfriend's a huge Wonder Woman fan and I've only recently gotten into her, but Azzarello, by just a few simple (controversial) changes, has managed to open her world considerably. I love this series.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.