Glad to see your pet causes are more important to you than the death and slaughter of innocents.
Glad to see your pet causes are more important to you than the death and slaughter of innocents.
Do you care about dead Iraqis yes or no?
None of you answered my question. You just deflected by saying if she were a man, she'd be elected by now. The only conclusion I can draw is that you all hate her record, but want to see her elected anyway because of her gender.
“I’m not British, but i read a lot of British fiction”
It’s only “insanity” if you hate democracy
Donald Trump would be a better president than Hillary Clinton. I hope you’re happy, all you smug, self satisfied old women who made this happen.
“Your lot”
Glad too get input from a grown person who is enough of a Sailor Moon fan to use it for both name and avatar.
Glad to see this site is full of chickenshits who don't care at all about half a million dead brown people abroad, the mass incarceration of minorities at home, and the rampant abuses of Wall St. Don't worry, you'll get the REAL victory, which is a woman president!
Be honest. Would any of you defend Hillary Clinton’s record so fervently and continue to fall on your swords for her if she were a man?
Hmmmm what do these all have in common?
Haha you bothered to write that.
Philly rules and you're all a bunch of pussies.
You have the most basic family
“If there were only women, there would be no more wars!”
I bet you’re fun at parties
No one cares about your school paper
MIA advocates recycling by sampling songs that are better than hers.
I thought winning didn’t matter Mr. Burneko
Generation X has made themselves the new Baby Boomers. Good job you guys.