
This has a very reductive gender view imo

Blair Walsh needed a Mousekatool with the laces facing out.

There are people that will tell you to dive.

By acepting this money these women r LITRALLY turning theyselves in 2 prostitutes imo

Is that ass coming back, too?

THIS IS NOT NEWS. - Will Leitch

Together or broken up, this band is fucking awful.

Because it’s a terrible fucking movie that belongs at the bottom of the ocean?

This movie is going to be terrible regardless, so is the remake.

There are no good Star Wars movies.

Desserts are the most overrated part of any meal. You could eliminate them and I would not miss them.

Stikk 2 sprots

Marchman: I’m moving to Philly at the end of January. What’s there for fun in the city? I’ve been there a bunch before and am hip to places like Locust Moon Comics and Tattooed Mom's.

HGHead On: Apply directly to the forehead!

When u think about it, Britt is the real racist imo

This has to be the dumbest set of commenters in Gawker Media history.

Can someone explain why Jezebel did that thing with the Lena Dunham Vanity Fair cover?

He then solemnly pulled his dick out.


This is my least favorite Bill Hader character