
My wife orders Mich Ultra with a lime when we go out and she doesn't know jack-dick about beers. We can be at a place with over 100 great beers on tap & she pulls this shit.

Please take it back.

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

She happens to be a mother of two, I'm sure her mother-less kids would disagree with you. some kind of Nazi Boy Scout uniform?

While i dont advocate either, repeated rapings of many different children over the course of decades is worse than a single murder


You are absolutely correct, but in my defense I'm an idiot.

And I understand that. Why is it none of you understand that this woman was the sole provider for two children and made the idiotic decision to do this for a living? I get the adrenaline rush people crave, but this woman was incredibly selfish.

I'm not arguing it's what gets peoples rocks off, but I think it was very irresponsible for her to do this considering she was a single parent with two children. That's the part I don't understand.

I guess I should have originally said "I don't understand why a single mother of two children would do something so incredibly stupid and dangerous". There's a big difference between risk and danger. The two are linked, but it isn't a 1 to 1 scale. This kind of work is incredibly dangerous and should not have been

I really hate the person filming this in portrait while honking the horn. This video would have been 119% better filmed in landscape without the horn. Its so annoying!