This new realistic Yoshi is over the top.
This new realistic Yoshi is over the top.
Star Wars Galaxies, more than any other game, made me feel a connection to the world and the people who played it. It wasn’t just about being a master commando/creature handler... It was about the little things, like sitting in cantinas (don’t forget to tip) or organizing raids on opposing factions with massive groups…
I’m not sure what kind of answer “Drowning” was looking for asking someone relationship advice who 1)does not share the same faith convictions or 2)ascribes to a “whatever feels good/works for you philosophy” or 3) isn’t even a doctor.
For anyone that this was news to, google Project Ajax. Also look up Project Northwoods while you are at it. Prepare to have your little bubble burst into flames.
It always frustrates me to know so many Americans are completely unaware of how we as a nation helped caused the clusterfuck that is Iran today. We overturned a democratically elected government to protect our (and British) oil interests, and the dictator we put into power created the environment that allowed…
No escape from unreal engine
Ssshhhhhhhh, it’s more fun when you don’t point it out.
Don’t worry, most of us understood the sarcasm inherent in your statement.
Oh man...that is going to be A LOT of deaths.
Man Fulfills Dream To Be Asshole In Comment Section
I want Fallout 4 to be a combination of 3 and NV’s strengths, and then make it even better.
I’m not sure if you’re kidding or not, so I’ll say... uh... taking all the mistakes that led up to the Panic of 08 and exacerbating them by an order of magnitude? Subprime lending, derivatives exposure, and debt are all far above the all time highs of 08 that led to the meltdown in the stock market. First it was the…
Darn it ;P
No, that is Zelda.
That's the primary reason I've moved away from twitch FPS games. Throw in a wife and three kids, and my paying time is down to around 4 hours/week. When you are competing with people who play the game 20 hours a day, it just is not a fun experience.