
Don't over invest. Once you start buying this stuff it can be hard to stop. Before long you'll find yourself knee deep in unpainted minis that you'll never have the time for. I'm resigned to the fact that I've just wasted a whole lot of money and when I have time I'm going to try and sell the bulk of my stuff.

I started painting 2 weeks ago. I was pretty terrible at art as a kid, but I have a whole bunch of board games with unpainted minis, so I thought, "Oh what the heck, I'll give it a shot." So far I've been very pleased with the results.

I've been involved with Warhammer and 40k off and on for over 20 years. You will never get better by not painting. Every time I feel as though I've plateaued, I paint something new & different. I try to keep pushing outside of my comfort zone (painting difficult colors, odd models, non-metallic metals, etc) and I

I know. It still stings.