
There was definitely shoulder to chest, but also helmet to helmet (2nd angle shows the clash of heads)

Cookie Monster got me through grad school, which was within the last 5 years. No joke—I nearly cited Cookie Monster in the credits of my thesis book.

This. This is the one to call it a night on before the Internet can say or do anything to harsh my squee.

- "I don't think he's black enough."

It's going to depend on what I waaaaant, though! Although I do love a good sausage (shut up) at any time of the day (no, seriously, shut up.)

Although I agree with some points, the message I get from this article is: "other people have dropped their standards. You should, too!" It reminds me of when clothing manufacturers, through their mouthpieces in the fashion magazines, that it's quite all right to wear white or black to a wedding. Just because someone

I guess I want to know why would he feel this way, but no answer he could give would satisfy my need to know. Just for the record, this black girl wouldn't want to be anywhere that flies were rolling that thick anyway. My feelings can't be hurt when my sense for appropriate hygiene is even more offended.

That's exactly it. They've crossed the line from opinion to action. I don't care what anyone thinks as long as it doesn't effect the lives of others.

OMG, poor kitty! And yet so hilarious set to Superman music.

I have two words for you: Penn Station. GAME-CHANGER.

Oh god. They MUST do Dueling Banjos together.

Your source for this statement?

Between this and GamerGate crap I think I've reached my max misanthropy for this week. Time for some cute animals or something.

There is an epidemic, and it's not a biological one. It's just as insidious as Ebola, and it's virtually undetectable until it's too late, and it's called the anti-vaxxer movement.

Okay, but what if you don't want any milk in your tea? What if all you want is to heat your kettle near to (but never past!) the point of boiling, steep for precisely three minutes in a pre-warmed mug, and then drink it undiluted, just as God and nature intended?