
"black on black crime" a phrase that will always set off my rage meter. Crime is almost always intraracial. And no one gives a damn about white on white crime so have a nice steaming cup of shut the fuck up.

BLEH. Whenever I hear this kind of stuff from my friends, it makes me rethink my relationships with them. For example, I was out last Saturday for one friend's birthday. We were at a bar that had UFC on. The women in UFC are not conventionally attractive. I think they're hot as hell, because I would love to be

I didn't actually read the grays, so I didn't see the trolling. But to clarify the trans-misogyny vs transphobia (or cissexism):

dude, no, I taught elementary school last year. Now I teach junior high school. Trust me, fourth-graders are a lot smarter than these folks. And a lot nicer too.

I went through a remarkably similar thought process.

Honestly, I am genuinely awe-struck by how many people so close to the summit survived.

Everything you will ever need to know about chocolate chip cookie baking:

Fair trade, cruelty-free. I don't mind paying a little extra for cruelty-free.... The exploitation of poppy plants has gotten out of hand lately.

right? None of that sucky, GMO Opium Poppy crap.

As a recovering opiate abuser, I can confidently say this is a brilliant idea. I mean, not for a restaurant, but for personal use. I had zero appetite when I used opiates and getting my drugs and food as a twofer would have been awesome. But serving your unwitting customers opiates... no. Don't do drugs, kids. Stay in

People began getting suspicious when the Yelp reviews went from 1 star to a sparkling emerald dragon.

Mayim Bialik has caught the common disease amongst PhD's wherein they believe that the degree gives them authority to speak about everything instead of just their very small area of research.

I can see that too, but I've also read in comments on other stories in Kitchenette about people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance who were given what they were told was gluten free only to find out the hard way it wasn't. So a big sign in the window warning them away is much better than that.

I don't doubt that the symptoms your family has experienced were real and very crummy, but MSG allergies are a myth. They have been comprehensively debunked by every reliable, double-blind, peer-reviewed bit of research that has been done on the subject. This is not to say that the symptoms your dad, sister and

Re: "Gluten sensitivity." I always tell people who insist this to go to the goddamn doctor. Seriously. If you are constantly in gastric distress, there's something wrong with you, and while it could be celiac disease, it could also be a host of ailments that can make your life miserable and/or kill you. Or you could

Aw, I'm way ahead of them. I haven't given a single fuck about picky eaters and trendy food crap for, let's see, all of my 50 years.