
I had someone try to use a fake military ID back in my library days. Homeland security was not interested and the local PD just said we ladies were just being hysterical. Our entire staff was made up of female veterans. We were collectively pissed.

Hmm... what springs to mind? I know!

An attorney at The Student Press Law Center has already taken on the case pro bono. And this letter he sent to the school board is amazing.

" Could have used more vegan options. Im outraged. I'll have you know, Im very important. I sell monogrammed thermos's."

For whatever god forsaken reason, I love fast food sausage more than should be considered normal. Anything is better with that fake ass sausage on it.

Rebecca: ...does this mean I get to salivate over pictures of hulking grease monstrosities?

You will immediately notice that A-B is not actually doing anything, or even threatening to do anything, or even hinting at the possibility of considering maybe doing anything.

To be fair, Terry Pratchett is literally the only reason I have any idea what a Morris dancer is.

Them's fightin' words, sirrah. Sour cream and blue cheese are delicious.

* I'm assuming Yelp. The article doesn't say, and I'm not dropping $30 to get access to the study to check which website they were using. Sorry.

It's it possible to be both hygienic and authentic? And wouldn't that be the best of both worlds? I understand that restaurants are constantly battling rodents and insects. That's a given. Food attracts pests and even the best restaurants will never be free of them. But I've worked in restaurants that were clean and

It's possible that the rates of the diseases are on the rise, but it is also probable that we're just getting diagnosed more than in the past.

I know you were just using letters for the food, but I still salivated.

It's so weird how Arizonans put ranch on their wings. WTF WHERE'S YOUR BLEU CHEESE?!