
Fantastic when you're cooking dried beans. Makes the bean broth really "meaty" and substantial tasting.

Fish in pastry would be 'en croute' not 'en papillote'. What a moron!

I don't always understand critical acclaim. Take Mulholland Drive. I got it and now I'm annoyed. "It was all a dream" is a cheap plot device, and in Lynchian fashion, it was partly foreshadowed by some cheap side-show visuals. Go ahead and explain it, but trust me, I caught it the first time around. Explaining that

Thank you! That's exactly what I meant! I too have a couple of "great works of literature" that I absolutely cannot stand, and no amount of explanation will make me like them.

but if someone who shares my taste tells me they liked something I hated,

Great post Mika! Thanks for this (and for the shout-out! :) ). Kevin is a continuous pain in our rear flank downdrafts, but we can't ignore him because he manages to sweep up tens of thousands of people every time he pulls his crap. He does it for non-existent blizzards, non-existent tornado outbreaks, and often

Oh God yes, it rammed the point home and punched me in the throat when it passed by.

Thank you. As someone who's had two relatives die of this disease, it's been incredibly frustrating to see people hate on the most successful fundraiser and awareness campaign we've had to fight this illness, ever.

I didn't watch that other video until you linked it but I interpreted it somewhat differently from the write-up. I do not particularly like Taylor Swift (though my six-year-old is going to flip for the song when she hears it) but I didn't get as negative an impression of the video. The point that came across to me was

That's what makes this especially stupid to me; if people want to protest Israeli goods, fine, I totally get that and I'm on board with it. But for fuck's sake, Kosher food?! How stupid do you have to be for that to be comparable.

So instead of finding ways to get her resources for caring for her children, they... strip her of more resources by throwing her in jail? This makes sense.

I agree about RAW tomatoes, but I love pizza and spaghetti sauce, so I file them under 'delicious cooking item/ a banal and watery horror as a standalone'.