
more Primus and Pixies please.

Yeah, more Rush would have been justified. I also would have liked to have seen at least on Dream Theater song. Both Geddy Lee and John Myung are gods of their craft.

Educated people just make their job harder.

Theory: Vaccines cause autism.


How dorky am I that I was disappointed that someone had already posted that?

No. Either you don't cook much, or you're being argumentative. You can take a piece of beef, and prepare it a 1,000 different ways. And in each of those ways, you can explore countless other options. Very few of those will lead to inedible meat. Just different final flavors and textures. The same applies to

My now ex-wife did not know how to cook when we got married. I however did, and she asked me to teach her how. Our first night in the kitchen together, I laid out all the ingredients I'd be using.... Then all the tools I'd be using..... Two knives, a skillet, a large spoon and a baking dish.

Based on the headline alone, I thought Aramark was pioneering a new program to serve prepared insects as a source of protein in prisons. I actually thought it was a really interesting pioneer program (opt-in for prisoners) since bugs are really good from a nutrition perspective and also a cheaper source of protein.

Most recipes are based on scientific protocols, though, as Fannie Farmer decided that was a good way to do things.

Cooking is art, baking is science. And those photos are al staged anyway. With all the glue, staples and shellack they use on the food, you couldn't eat it afterwards. If he would have done a little research, he would have noticed that. Or maybe he did and I just can't replicate his results.

But, unlike most sciences, cooking contains more than a small amount of artistry. It's 50/50 science and art.

Because marriage is a legal contract which binds two people in various ways including property and finances. The question should be why do churches and religious people get to have a say in a legal contract?

Honestly, Klinnsmann is doing no different than most Euro coaches would do. Anyone who follows English or Spanish or some other Euro pro league sees guys do this all the time.

@ Ariahead, please tell your niece to check out, for inspiration, for support, and for a ray of hope! She is not alone!!! She has a wonderful source of motivation now, and I have faith that she'll do just fine :)

But do use it with corn. That makes hominy, grits, masa (and, ultimately, tamales), etc.

I set my group in the Star Trek universe, but also manned the Enterprise with characters from other shows. This would presume that non-Star Trek characters went through Star Fleet and were trained in ST technology. I also created three position for every job except for Captain, First Officer and Operations (or