
She is accusing the host of the show Eric Bolling of sexual harassment. She probably brought up Dykstra as further proof that the host condones this sort of shit since Dykstra was a regular guest. And I would also remind you that you do not have to be at work to be sexually harassed, it would just be a claim against

Was it the deodorant or the antiperspirant that gave you the issue? Remember antiperspirants are designed to block the sweat glands themselves where as deodorant’s just masks bad smells while not actually stopping the sweating. Some of the antiperspirants (especially the new 48hr kind) can really wreak havoc on some

See I just went thru surgery for my diverticulitis including having the section that perforated removed and no one has mentioned any long term issues when it come to physical activity. Just the usual restricted stuff for 6 months or so to fully let my body recover.

If you are going to play football nomad may I suggest also playing FFL and whoever you draft 5th you become a fan of that player’s team for the year. You could use something other than the 5th pick just don’t make it too high or too low of a pick since you might be more inclined to “choose” a team.

Any true Browns fan knows that when there is hope the Browns give it to Ernest Byner to promptly fumble it at the goal line.

Oh and a tip on checking doneness is to make a fist and feel the section of skin between your thumb and finger. The tighter the fist you make the more the feel mimics the feel of how cooked the beef is, i.e. a really tight fist = well done. Just note that when testing your beef use a light touch, don’t go mashing it.

Sounds like it’s a mental block for you.
First off it is not blood or any coloration added that causes the pink juices. It’s the myoglobin protein that is found in red meat that causes this color. Myoglobin binds to oxygen and iron (hence the red color).

Beats trading away assets and then listening to the “What if Romo had stayed healthy?” sports radio calls. 

Yeah auto-correct is pretty pushy considering how often it gets the wrong word. It’s like your own personal grammar Nazi troll that is wrong more often than it’s correct.

Eke not eek. Eek is a sound used to denote surprise or alarm. Eke is to just barely accomplish something.

You are 2/3 rds correct. From left to right it’s CA, NY, TX

No, just no! Musberger just took the second chance narrative and tossed it in the fire. Second chances are for those that actively tried to redeem themselves not for people like Mixon that has worked tirelessly to cover up and spin the situation. Musberger treated Mixon like he was the victim in this situation. Hell

I hope it is a blow out at Wrigly and the Cubs fans have to watch the Indians celebrate on their field. And then I will look forward to the next curse/excuse that Cubs fans will come up with. Sorry I am in the F the Cubs camp. They make excuses instead of winning.

Did you not see what the Mets did to them last year? Dominate pitching will always trump this Cubs team. You are seeing it again with the Indians.

Yeah I remembered that too. I will always remember it because I got this batshit crazy char out of it.

Oh I understand what you were stating. I was just merely pointing out the improper usage of the 21st century by the authors of the study and some commenters. The 3 films I was referring to were from the Authors original list that were all released in 2000 which would disqualify them from being 21st century films.

Sadly however a lot of people as well as the makers of this list apparently do not understand how centuries work. The 21st century began in 2001. 2000 was the final year of the 20th century. So there are 3 films listed that are not 21st century films.

Bulls are nimble. Trump however stumbles over basic cognizance.

Slice them

Can we use this to point out that the questions posed by various writers to Univision were so uninformed that it was embarrassing?