
Won't dispute any of that. Except that by differentiating between the leaves and the seeds we made it more useful in culinary terms. Or should we go back to the original name of Chinese parsley? Science has come a long way and names and classifications have changed. One that has gone through that is

So I seem to keep hearing. Fun fact. Coriander is a Spice. Cilantro is an Herb. Same plant yes but botanically and culinarly different.

I apologize if you found my post to be spiteful or hurtful in any way. That was not my intention. But as to the curry part? That is a style of cooking. You create a curry. It usually starts with a garam and additional spices are added based on which curry you are trying to create. This is unique to India so the Thai,

I am not a troll but I am passionate about food. So 2 things. Curry paste is not a thing in India. It is a style of cooking that usually starts with a garam and then additional spices are added to make the curry.

Only when they are misused. All of the ones you listed either have no seed or the seed tastes the same as the plant. Cilantro plants are odd in that the seeds and leaves taste nothing alike. Hence the reason to differentiate between them.

Actually for me it is the science part that drives my need to separate the two. A few years back I was wondering what to do to amuse myself and I discovered food science. Since that point it has become a passion of mine. So when I say coriander is a spice and cilantro is an herb I speak from the scientist inside me.

And while I still think you are wrong in so many ways I still love ya. Too much hate in the world so I just had to say that.

Wolf with a bone :-) But yes I will fight on this one. Your misuse of language and science does not mean I have to accept your misuse.

Leaves = Herbs, Seeds = Spices. This is what I stated at the beginning. And seriously I am amazed that in the UK they do not follow this since it is basic botanical science. Apparently this is a huge thing in the UK to call all parts of the plant coriander and that just blows my mind since it is so factually

Glad you do your on the curry but it is NOT a naming difference. Herbs are the leaves of a plant where spices are the seeds or bark of the plant. And never mind the fact that cilantro tastes NOTHING like coriander. Coriander is the seed of the Cilantro plant. Cilantro is the leaves of the cilantro plant. There is a

I know Tesco is in the UK. But seriously in the UK you do not differentiate between a spice and an herb? Yes I know they are the same plant but they have such different uses. They are not interchangeable. Cilantro is parsley like. Coriander is much milder. But works great in rubs.

Then I would say they need to learn the difference between spices and herbs.

I get that it is a difference in culture but if you go and confound leaves with seeds you are doing a disservice to yourself. Seeds, roots, bark are spices. Leaves are herbs. And it is not a naming difference. As I said the English have curry powder which is an abomination. Real curry has no curry powder. Just because

Amen. I want it to be clean and free of blemishes. The other day I went to buy potatoes and they all had a green tinge which is so so bad. The southwest gets such shitty potatoes but we get amazing green chilies.

Sigh. Ok no such thing as a curry paste, And yeah I would not rely on the UK as a bastion of understanding culinary terms. You developed Curry powder which is quite possibly thr most hideous thing I have ever tasted. Curry is a method of combing spices. Not a spice blend. Most Curries start with a garam but from there

Nope and nope. Oliver is a great cook but not a food scientist. Coriander is the seed and Cilantro is the leaves. Just because you in the UK don't understand the difference (And it is a massive taste difference) does not mean they are the same.

Wow that is crazy since they do not taste anything alike. Seeds are spices while leaves are herbs. And trust me if it calls for coriander get the seed not the leaf. When I say they taste nothing alike I am not kidding. Literally you would not know they are the same plant from tasting them.

Quick question. Do you order fresh produce in this way? I would be leery of it because I really like being able to examine my produce before purchasing it. I can see staples being ordered online such as canned goods etc., but man not sure I could do that would produce.

Coriander is a spice not a herb. It is the seed of the cilantro plant. Although parsley is a good substitute for cilantro. The juxtaposition of that is why I felt the need to comment. Not just trying to be pedantic.

In regards to the Chicken fried steak story, I ended up in this similar situation recently here in AZ. Being a recent transplant we have been trying different restaurants and I have noticed a weird trend that seems to be occurring out here. On the menu it will list Southern Fried Chicken. Having lived in the south