And now I am a sad wolf because not only should you not rinse it for FDA reasons but for valid culinary reasons.
And now I am a sad wolf because not only should you not rinse it for FDA reasons but for valid culinary reasons.
Ok while I agree with most of what you have posted here, I am confused by one thing. I understand why you listed Jezebel because they can be pretty bad at times (although there are some legitimately good articles there as well) you also included i09? That is my favorite site since it seems to be largely free of the…
Oh trust me. With the types of Mexican restaurants we have down here and the amazing food they serve it's hard to not salivate.
I think it's from our massive amount of Mexican restaurants. It's a common term they use in describing the food. Food X blended with Y and served in a warm tortilla topped with Z sauce.
Those would be Hatch chiles and they are goddamn fantastic. Our farmers market here in AZ is about to have their annual Hatch Chile festival and I cannot wait.
Oh man Gorgonzola on a medium rare steak is the best way to make your taste buds have an orgasm.
I blame Phoenix and Maricopa county aka Florida of the Southwest for most of the ranch dressing love that has infected this state.
If it was in Maricopa county (Home to batshit insane Joe Arpaio), nope most Arizonians would not be surprised. Although there is a weird fascination with ranch dressing throughout most of the state. Even down here in the baja section of the state(free baja AZ) it appears, especially with chicken wings which of course…
Agreed. Although I would still be more forgiving of someone saying that then someone saying that you use wax paper.
Who uses wax paper in en papillote
Use the rinds from hard cheeses like parmigiano reggiano in soups or stews. They add flavor. But remove them at the end much like you do with bay leaves.
Why would it be a mathematical theory that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time and/or space if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event
Should be drippings and what the French call fond. Used to make pan gravy.
How so? Wax paper has wax which makes the food taste like a candle and parchment has silicon which imparts no flavor to the food. Also en Papillote means in Parchment.
Sigh C.A. you used to be my go to author. Yet lately you seem to have gotten an angry streak that calls out anyone that points you out on factual errors. The difference between wax paper and parchment is not a semantic error but one of lack of research. Type en Papillote in to Google and it tells you that it is French…
NO! It is served in parchment. NEVER wax paper. There is a massive difference and hell en papillote means in parchment. Also not poached. It's steamed. Or if you want to get liberal with things possible braised.
Gotta say that going to a blog about food being more dangerous than going to Taco Bell for food is rather appalling.
UGH COUB is about as pleasant as an unwanted hard-on. Can we just please hit this dickish service instead and make it shrivel up for good.
Sadly since cash paid for burner phones are probably being used in these cases I doubt anyone has been caught yet.
But the police did not shoot. And amazingly no one yet has been killed in one of these swatting instances. Sure I am guessing a few pairs of undershorts have been ruined but in these cases the Police have actually shown remarkable restraint. There is a lot that our militarized police forces have to be taken to task…