
The victim cannot but the prosecution can appeal the sentence if they feel they have the legal standing to do so. In Montana they accomplished it because there is a mandatory 2 year minimum sentence in rape cases. Not sure if there are any minimum sentencing laws in Indiana that were broken by this sentence. It's a

Just add it to some hot tea if you are not fan of the taste. You will get some benefit. But yeah it by itself is most effective.

Not the same guy obviously but man if this didn't make me remember Terry Tate

Might not be fires this year but mudslides which are just as bad I am guessing. But echo the sentiment of thanks.

Oh please god do not think I was supporting this treatment. I do not. It's bad science and I can really not come up with any actual scientific reason to do this treatment. The fact that you were not suffering from a cold/flu supports my hypothesis that it is literal BS and that is what I was looking for. Thank you for

Link to what I said above because I suffered the same way and it is not fun.

Curious here. Have you tried eliminating dairy from your diet? And trust me I do not advocate eliminating any food stuff but there is some scientific evidence that the proteins in cows milk can trigger migraines. My sister is this way. She gets migraines big time if she eats dairy. For me it turned out to be my jaw

I'm curious so I have to ask this. Was this after a cold or flu? I am currently dealing with issues my dad has and we have had to reduce his acid intake to virtually zero since that seems to be the trigger and went through the same thing with my nephew. After a month on a low acid diet the apparent intestinal bug that

Actually there are very valid scientific reasons for using honey when you have a cold that involves a sore throat or cough.

Said it before and I will say it again Kelly Rowland is one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. Even though I forever now will have to live on the run from the Beygency I say Kelly was by far the best looking of the three in Destiny's Child.

I think a lot of the hate comes from people that find him egotistical and hypocritical not just an outright asshole. A good way of looking at it is I can't stand Kanye for sporting this crazy nonsense spouting narcissistic attitude versus I can't stand Chris Brown for being a female beating asshole that deserves

Also meant to add that if it builds with the more you consume then it it is most definitely an allergy.

Also the fact that any amount makes you itch is a dead give away. You have an allergy to something in the grains and the sooner you get tested the better. I am allergic to pretty much anything that grows and it sucks. I will never be able to get rid of it but seeing an allergist and going on shots for a period of time

If your doctor thinks a skin test is hooey then you need to find a better doctor. When I had a skin test and reacted to so many different items it really made a difference in my life. Sure some things I cannot avoid but finding out that walnuts and pecans were massively bad for me made a huge difference in my life.

But is the ex-shrubbery hiding an ex-parrot? And if so is it really an ex-parrot or just pining?

But that is not anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxsis causes the throat to swell shut depriving you of oxygen. If you are getting anaphylaxsis symptoms from eating wheat you have an allery to wheat not Celiac disease. (Well you could have both.) Not trying to diagnose you just pointing out the difference.

Actually this study is a complete negation that it is gluten that causes the issue so GS is in essence not a thing. What this study does not do is negate that there is something in gluten containing products that is causing the issue. So basically gluten = no issue. Items that happen to contain gluten that also

So totally agreed on allergies to foods. However do not confuse allergy with sensitivity and continue your crusade to call out people that use allergy to be full of bullshit. I might pull the hidden food test with someone on an insensitivity but NEVER EVER an allergy unless like you I see them eating it.

Those symptoms especially the insanely itchy skin all point to an actual allergy. If I had to guess I would say you are allergic to something in grains and should consider seeing an allergist to possibly determine through testing which grains you are allergic to. Celiac disease is actually not an allergy but a severe

Hmm the protein with the anti-pest properties is really interesting in this case. Could it be the case that this anti-pest protein is destroying the bacteria in the gut that actually helps us process the food we eat? If so then someone that has a lower then normal level of that bacteria is being more negatively