Grass fed beef is considered the cream of the crop outside of Kobe beef (which is also grass fed they just have personal masseuses.)
Grass fed beef is considered the cream of the crop outside of Kobe beef (which is also grass fed they just have personal masseuses.)
The fact that anyone noticed him is a step up for the Virginia and DC area where the routine is to ignore everyone because f' them you are so much more important. (Bah I wish I was joking)
Taking bets on this at 5-1. Reds at 10-1.
In other news Bibi said she wanted to move on to a bigger celebrity. Gronk could not be reached for comment. Ron James when contacted had nothing to say but "Shit why I am being confused with Ron Jeremy."
Understood. And I agree. By the way thanks for the reading. It was interesting. Although I would compare lactose to alcohol. It can never be totally gone :-P And I think you meant lactate acid not lactate. Unless the cheese is breastfeeding :-P
Umm what? I know all of that and you are not disputing any of my facts. And all cheese contains some lactose. Even cheddar. Why are you arguing my point? Casein the milk protein is an issue I agree as I have said before but please get your facts straight. Outside yogurt that uses lactobasillis to break down lactose…
Actually the Soy on the thyroid is for women only. It's an estrogen thing. However I have no idea if you are male or female(and don't care to know).
No it is only in certain populations. All Northern European and middle eastern descent can dink it normally.
If you are of northern European descent then yes this is normal. However buttermilk? I doubt you are drinking that and if you are EWWW!!
Wait what? No mammal is meant to eat grains? How stupid are you? Cows, camels, sheep, horses, etc all eat grains. Grain is the backbone of human society.
Actually if you have ever drank breast milk it is a bit sweeter. And actually with your wife it is a chance for a little fun. (Just be careful their nipples will be very sore from the baby.)
Yikes. A calorie is a calorie. Once source or another does not change the definition. However calorie in food tense is the worst measurement ever.
1 cup yogurt(plain), 1 cup soy milk(also plain), Mixture of frozen berries, peaches, bananas. Alton Brown power smoothie. (Also very tasty)
Beer is proof that God loves us.
Sigh welcome to the latest fad diet. You do realize that all of the diets out there Atkins, Gluten Free, etc. do nothing for weight loss. All they do is trash your endocrine system and stress your liver and heart. You would be better off on an alcohol diet. You would shit weight and could write Drew about it.
If you can digest dairy then you should. For those that can consume it, it is a great source of protein and dietary sugars. The "facts" in the article came from a vegan based consortium that feels natural foods from animals are evil. Yet they have to take supplements all day. F you Vegans when you can eat without…
Wow please stop talking. You are setting science back by at least 1000 years. Everything you said is factually inaccurate.
casein is protein not sugar. Also fructose=Fruit sugar. Lactose which is milk sugar has nothing to do with fructose.
I hope that is sarcasm.
From another thread.